| OT7 - when you're needy |

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seokjin was causally watching one of his shows when you sneakily walked behind the couch and slid your hands down his neck to his chest continuing down south to the long object in his pants that you needed the most.

"i'm not sure what you're doing but i'm still sore baby i can't go another round." he spoke turning his head to look at you.

you didn't listen to him and took of your panties as you walked over the couch to straddle him grinding your front on his, feeling his dick harden.

"well looks like you can handle one more right, jinnie?" you whispered seductively in his ear pulling his length out moving it in your folds before sinking down on his girth kissing his plump lips.

"fuck i'm so going to ban you from sex y/n."


yoongi was upstairs sleeping while you were sitting on the couch thinking about all the things he did to you last night.

making your way upstairs to the shared bedroom, you got on top of him slowly grinding trying to see his sleeping lower half would soon awaken.

you continued your movements and felt his hard on behind you, so you rubbed your hands on his chest pinching his nipples.

"if you wanted it, you could've just asked." his raspy voice echoed throughout the room.

grabbing ahold of your body and flipping you on your back as he ripped your underwear down the middle rubbing his length,free from it restraints,in your slit inserting it.

"you're so going to pay for waking me up like this"


you watched as his dick moved in his loose jogging pants as he was walking, running, skipping around the house. just completely dazed at it you couldn't help but to stare as it twitched while he was drinking a sip of his tea.

"hoseok baby come here" you spoke softly as his face changed expressions and walked over to the couch where you were, sitting down.

he knew exactly what you wanted because you only called him his first name when you were mad, serious, or horny as you are now. you climbed on top of him but was suddenly put on your back without

hoseok's warmth removed from between your legs.
looking up, he was completely bare and bent down slipping your underwear off as you lifted your hips up to assist him making his way back between your legs.

slipping inside of your warmth making you both groan at the pleasure as he slid halfway out and fully back in earning a yelp from your brown lips.

"i'm going to give you what you want before i leave but when i'm back, don't eye fuck y/n."


namjoon was in his studio doing what he does best but your hormones were through the roof since you started to take birth control again.

you walked to his studio opening up the door seeing him man spreading in a pair of grey shorts with a white t shirt on and you found it extremely arousing to see him like this.

"hi baby, what's up ?" he asked when he seen you walk in and close the door.

you only had on a zip up hoodie on top of your naked body so you walked to were he was sitting and straddled his thick thighs, kissing his lips deeply playing with the hem of his shorts prying a hand inside.

"baby can you wait until i'm finished?" he grunted trying not to feed into your neediness for him and his body.

you looked up at him and pouted as you shook your head still pushing your hand in further suddenly feeling his semi hard girth.

seeing the lust in his eyes darken, you wanted everything that was going to happen to you as he was sinking his length deeper into you, sternly saying:

"fine but you'll doing all the work and when i'm finished with mines, i'm going to wreck you."


jimin wanted to see how long you could go without throwing your private parts at him. let's just say you didn't last very long (no pun intended).

"jimin!" you shouted but received no answer.
walking upstairs into the shared bedroom, the sound of water was heard coming from the bathroom as an idea sparked in your head.

shower sex.

stripping out of your thin clothing, twisting the door knob ever so slightly and seen jimin's naked figured facing the direction of the water washing his hair. you thought he didn't hear you but he knew exactly what you were up to. slipping into the shower behind him, your right hand was proximal from his groin and your left distal, going down his arm.

"y/n we had a deal chubs." he spoke as he finished getting the shampoo out turning your way.
you, on the other hand, gripped his length in your hand feeling it harden in your touch stroking it until he gave you what you wanted.

jimin pushed you slightly against the shower wall with one leg pushed upwards as it was held in his right arm while his length was face to face with your core, slowly rubbing the tip teasing your clit.

"let's see how long you last in this position lovely."


you watched as he washed the dishes with his muscles flexing with every wipe of the towel on a cup or plate.

"you look pretty sexy washing dishes, tae." you spoke looking behind you at the delicious sight.

he looked up at you with both of his eyebrows cocked up before shaking his head. he knew what you were doing and he knew how to handle you.

walking up to him, he rinsed his hands off as you slid under his standing form gripping the body part that you claimed multiple times.

"i knew it." he spoke moving the dish rack out the way, pulling up your shirt to a unclothed vagina.

"so y/n, do you want it hard or harder?"


jungkook loved when you were needy for him and the shlong that sat in his pants.

he wasn't doing anything in particular to make you horny as he was on his phone looking for something.

"kook would you mind helping me with this? you questioned as his eyes met yours but something was off.

he got up and followed you upstairs but was suddenly pushed down on the bed with a weight sitting on top of groin area feeling the sudden friction being made by your hips.

"wait sweetie hold on, let me." he said switching positions as you brought his hand to your clothed core.

he unzipped his zipper letting his mini me spring free pushing your panties to side ,as he teased your slit slightly before filling your hole to its brim.

"i don't think the boys would mind if i was a little late."

author note:


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