| JHS - why break up to make up? |

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"i'm done hoseok, i don't want nothing to do with you anymore!" you shouted at the top of your lungs at the man across from you.

"so? i don't want nothing to do with you either! i don't know why i even agreed to this." he shamelessly shook his head as he made eye contact with you.

the complete silence amongst you too was silent enough to hear a pin drop. the way his eyes flicked from your left one to your right one as he was examining the features on your face made you study his. the way his adam's apple bobbed at each shallow of saliva, the way his tongue would slowly peek through his mouth to lick his bottom lip was turning you on.

"oh fuck this." you cooed rushing over to him as your lips collied together mixing each other's saliva not even caring about the outburst from a minute ago.

his hands started on your hips as they came up squeezing your boobs when your hands caressed his abs moving south to undo his pants. you walked him over to the couch, pushing him down as he plopped on to the couch.

"pants. off now." you demanded as you took off your v neck exposing your green bra then moving to your pants undoing sgthose until the green fabric of your thong was on display.

hoseok didn't hesitate to take his clothing off in a rush as you being dom was making him harder than he was. once he was fully naked, you pushed him back onto the couch being his lips into yours biting his bottom lip before pulling away.

you gave his length a couple of strokes making it stand on it's on more than it was before. moving your thong to one side, you sunk down on his girth as a groan emitted from his mouth with his hands shooting up to both sides of your hips.

"if you slow me down, i'm stopping putting on my clothes and leaving out the door."  you spoke while looking into his brown eyes.

your body bounced up and down on his length as his hands rubbed your hips moving up your back to unclasp your bra. your brown breast came into view as the dark nubs stood to attention.

he bought his mouth to one of those nub, sucking on them ever so lightly making your back arch picking up the pace as you rode him.

"fuck you're going to make me cum." he groaned as he buckled his hips upwards to meet yours.

you pushed his back against the bottom couch pillow, resting your hands on his chest and circled your hips harshly, clenching on to his length as it twitched.

"come on hoseok, i know you want to give it to me." you bent down to his level and whispered into his ear.

the twitching of his dick continued as your bouncing was at a steady pace before slowing down and only riding his tip.

hoseok groaned underneath you as he thrusted up into your thrusts as he shot his load up inside of you but this didn't stop you from continuing on to finish yourself off so you rode him faster and snaked his hand to rub your clit.

as he rubbed your bud, he flipped you on your back completely taking you off guard and thrusted deep into you.

"now it's my turn." he spoke as his strokes were fast and deep enough to hit your sweet spot. his hands pushed your legs out wider so he could see his length sliding in and out.

"god i'm so close." you beaned as the feeling of the pad of his thumb making contact with your clit, rubbing it in circles at the same pace of his thrusts.
you felt yourself get a little dizzy as your body temperature started to spike through the roof.

"i can feel you squeezing me, you're close." he cheekily smirked as his continued the same movement as the body form under him arched it's back while it's legs shook in the sex position.

hoseok removed himself completely from your core and sat next to your sweaty form.

"why do we keep doing this?" he questioned.

you turned to your left and seen his eyes were already planted on yours.

"because we can't really break up with each other. now round 2 in the shower?" you declared racing up the stairs as he followed behind.

happy valentine's day! the valentines day chapter will be up sometime this afternoon:)
but go do something fun like watch some porn or something. that's all:p
vj out

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