| HYUNG LINE - you have no panties on |

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seokjin was cooking in the kitchen when he spotted you from the corner of his eye trying to reach the cookies on the top self.

he was coming towards you to get the cookies but he was me by your bare buttcheeks facing back at him.

he chuckled to himself, wiped his hands on his apron, took it off, and put down the stove. as he walked behind you short figure, he landed a hard smack on your butt.

"you mother- jin!"

"why are being so rough at the moment?"you pouted while rubbing your butt. 

he came closer to you, as you felt his breath on your lip, "sweetheart we both know how rough i can get, but next time ", he paused ,"put some on underwear, you can't be showing off something that isn't yours." he said as he let go of his grip, grabbed the cookies for you, placed them in your hand and walked back to the stove.

"pervert" you whispered

"what was that sweetie?" he looked in your direction with a smirk

"nothing" you rolled your eyes


yoongi was currently in daegu since he is recovering from his shoulder surgery which gave you the freedom to roam around your shared apartment naked from the waist down.

it was fun, twerking without any restrictions, bending over without someone slapping your butt, no more dry humping, you could go on and on about this freedom which slowly came to an abrupt end.

yoongles🥴: baby i'm coming home to see you and to finish my recovery

yoongles🥴: can you run me a bath?

yoongles🥴: i'm like 30 minutes away

yoongles🥴: baby?

yoongles🥴: babyy? are you there?
yoongi was texting your phone but you didn't here it going off since you were cooking and twerking to 'make her dance' by simon dominic completely forgetting you didn't have on panties.

"baby i'm home, didn't you get my text?" he said as he walked through the front door but suddenly stopped when he seen you bent over shaking your cheeks. he sneakily walked behind you and started dry humping you to the beat.

"you know sweetheart if i would've known if this what you had in store for me i wouldn't have asked for that bath." he smirked while he spent you on your heels to face him.

"you're not supposed to be home for another two weeks" you said shocked as his hand wondered under your shirt and gripped your ass really hard.

"who cares? now come show daddy that little trick you just did, he's been waiting for you." he smirked while slapping your ass and walking you towards the bedroom.

"yes sir"


hoseok was currently watching tv downstairs but the sound of you washing out you guys tub the only thing he heard so he decided to call you,

"y/n!" no answer. water running.
"y/n!" no answer. more water

hoseok began to get frustrated.



"can you like stop with the tub cleaning for one sec please?"

"hobi i have to clean the tub out"

he sighed and started watching his show again. not even 15 minutes later, the water started running again.

"oh my god!" he yelled while pausing the tv. he got up off the couch and stomped towards the bathroom inside of you guys bedroom just to catch a glimpse of your womanhood staring back at him.

he smirked and made him way to you on the floor, pulled himself out of his sweats, alined himself at your entrance, and entered you.

"you know next time you should listen to daddy." he said while thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace.

"i wish i known you didn't have on any panties or i would've did this sooner" he grunts almost close to his high.

"hoseok i- i'm so close"

"me too" and within ten more strokes, he released himself into you and sat there as you push back on him to finish yourself off.

"next time put on some panties and stop cleaning the tub so late." he spoke as he walked out the bathroom, back to the living room, and unpaused his show.


namjoon wasn't home yet since he was still practicing which gave you the opportunity to wash your dirty clothes especially all of your panites that he didn't rip yet .

as you grabbed your hamper and you put in your airpods putting on some music forgetting that you had nothing on expect for one of namjoon's shirts.

making your way down the stairs into the laundry room, you didn't hear the door open revealing a tired namjoon. " hey baby" he called out but received no answer. " y/n sweetheart i'm back!" and still no answer until he walked upon you in the laundry room bent over putting clothes into the washer revealing your honey pot.

namjoon took this as an opportunity to pull down his joggers, stroke himself a couple of times and slid into you.

" WAIT" you squeaked staying in your position. 

" hi love, didn't you hear me walk through the door?" he said while thrusting slowing into you.

you couldn't even start your sentence as he started to pick up the pace. skin slapping and you guys moans and groans mixed together were heard until you both reached your climax with namjoon releasing inside of you. 

" maybe next time turn the music down and you're hear me come in" he said fully dressed as he slapped your butt three times while planting plenty of kisses on your lips.

as he started to walk away, he pause to say one last thing  " wear underwear next time or expect today's little session to continue once you're done."

he winked and walked away leaving you a hot mess in front of the washer.

author note:
even though i do not like these ideas, i'll keep them. LIKE THESE ARE SO EMBARRASSING

< edited n revised: 06/18/21 7:46 am CT>

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