| KTH - teach me |

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"yes i know it's sad to say that i've been faking my orgasms. tae has been really rough so i don't really enjoy the sex" you whispered into the phone trying not to be too loud.

"girl how many times have you been faking it?"

"umm maybe five or six times.." you shyly smiled like your sister could see you.

"y/n i'm disappointed in you big sis, how would tae feel about this?"

"i don't know but i don't know how to tell him.." as you were about to continue, taehyung interrupted your sentence.

"tell me what? that you've been faking your orgasms this whole time?!" sadness was all you saw when you looked into your eyes but something was a little off.

"hey y/n i'll call you later tell me how it goes"

"okay bye" the call going dead as you focused your attention back on your man.
he started to look into your eyes for some type of explanation until he gave up and spoke:

"teach me"
"what?" you were completely confused about his comment.
"teach me how to please you, the way you want it."

coming closer to you pulling his lips into yours as you felt that this kiss had more meaning it and it wasn't being rushed. he softly bit your bottom lip gaining permission to slip his tongue into you mouth as he caressed your hips with your legs wrapped around his waist.

the slow rush of adrenaline ran in both your bodies as you were finally taking it slow.
he pulled away from you making you whine only to see if him take of his shirt then untying the strings of his shorts leaving him fully bare in front of you as he made his way back to you, kissing your lips while slipping of your shorts.

once all of your clothing was discarded, you motioned his right hand to your folds and put the left on you left breast slowly bringing his face into your neck. he looked up at you with a confused face.

"what? you said teach you so suck on neck while playing with me."  no further glances was exchanged as he followed you command. you were honestly surprised that he listened to you because he was always the dominant one while you were the submissive one.

pure ecstasy rushed from your lower half back up to the sensation on your neck as he took his time pleading to your body's needs. he loved how your body jittered from his soft and pleasuring touches as the sweet sounds he hasn't heard in weeks leave your mouth, while his two fingers slowly hit your sweet spot that could make you burst in any minute.

"please please right there" you squirmed out as he continued to hit your sweet spot with his slim fingers making soon let all of your juices spill onto them.
lifting his head up and kiss your lips as you exhaustedly kissed back feeling his the tip of his member rub through your slick soon enclosing hisself in your warmth sharing pleasurable groans when he was fully inserted.

"now slowly slide out to your tip and back in as deep as you can" moaning as he did what was told as you were talking. you still being sensitive clenched around him as he continued the slow movements letting out a couple of deep groans making your back shiver.

"i missed this" he grunted starting to feel bad for rushing through these pleasurable moments with you. you wanted him to increase his pace as you encouraged him to go a little faster hitting that special button.

closer and closer you became the more you wanted him as you wrapped your legs around his hips and brung his forehead against yours looking into his eyes staring deep into them as your high washed over you like a heat wave rolling your eyes in the back of your head as your body jolted against his muscular frame.

"come on baby" you softly spoke as his grunts became a little more vocal signaling he was close. his thrusts slowed down as he pulled out to his tip and re entered himself letting the strings of his cum shoot up into you feeling the twitch of his member inside of you.

he collapsed onto of you kissing your lips, whispering sweet words as he snuggled up into your chest listening to his many "i'm sorry" until you reassured him that you were in the wrong swiping his hairs behind his ears hearing the low snoring followed with his last statement:

"don't even fake your orgasms even again and just tell me how to please you"

author note:
im not going to edit this bc it is still ass but i want yall to read my old work🤷🏽‍♀️

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