| MAKANE LINE - you being drunk |

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jimin was all for your drinking at home sessions that you had but sometimes he was never invited.

"y/n baby," he whined again, " just let me have one glass i promise i won't go over three."

he continued to ramble on and on until you got up, went into the kitchen, grabbed another wine glass, went back into your shared room and gave him the glass, "if it will make you be quiet here." passing him the glass.

you started to regret giving jimin that glass because he's an alcoholic and when his alcoholic side comes out his pervert side comes out.

"jimin," you gasped trying to pry the man's hands off your ass as they squeezed the flesh and his lips latched to your neck, "you're drunk and you said n-no more than t-three fuck."

he ignored your words and slipped his hand in front of your lounge shorts shyly stimulating you as your head fell on his shoulder enjoying the pleasure.

"what makes you think i was only going to have three glasses?" he asked you cheekily as he was enjoying the state you were in just from him rubbing your bud, " we both know that was a lie."

you should've known from the start. he always has a trick up his sleeve.


taehyung was sitting next to you on the couch when you pulled out a nice chardonnay wine knowing taehyung loves this type of wine.

"is there a special occasion or something," he questioned holding up his glass as you poured the light yellowish drink into it, "i thought we only drunk the chardonnay on special events."

you finished pouring your glass and looked at him as he slipped on the liquid lightly enjoying the flavor, "why you making a big fuss about it?" you spoke, "we don't have any more red wine nor merlot wine so this was the only option."

tae looked at you dumbfounded because there was way in hell all that wine was gone until a lightbulb clicked in his head.

"you was drinking the wine," he spoke in a low manner looking at you over his glass, " you've been getting drunk off wine y/n?"

you choked on your wine at his conclusion, "it's just wine," you said back mocking his position looking over your glass at him, "i can get drunk off if i wanted too and you surely wasn't complaining then."

"what are you talking about?" he put his glass down on the table, "i'm complaining now."

"yeah you are but you weren't last night." you said getting up and walking away from the scene.


you weren't the drunk one in the relationship... its was jungkook and you had your moments but damn was he a drinker.

you were casually watching tv until you heard the laundry room door open meaning jaykay was home but the sound of bags shuffling spoke louder than your thoughts.

"jungkook," you paused your show, " i know you didn't do what i think you did." folding your arms.

"no i did not do anything," he spoke back putting the bags on the counter making you get up and look through the bags but was shut down, "aht aht there's nothing in here for you missy."

"okay but if you get drunk tonight," you spoke pointing your finger in his face, "don't expect me to help you when you're hungover." walking away from the situation and going back to the unfinished episode on the television.

jungkook didn't say anything because he knew you were bluffing or were you?

*next day*
you felt jungkook shuffle on his side of the bed, groaning in pain from how much he drank last night, "baby can you get me some water and ibuprofen please?" he pleaded.

"nope, i told you i wasn't helping you."
author note:
long time no see:) i feel like i've lost touch when it comes to writing and updating my bts stories bc i've been into khh and krnb more lately and i've been updating that book more.
sorry for the neglecting i've been doing<3

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