| HYUNG LINE - you being a tease |

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"mmph baby." jin moaned into the kiss as you caressed his stomach knowing it's his weakness.

you had jin laying on the bed as you were on top teasing his already horny figure seeing as his face was red from the receiving such pleasure.

"you like it? don't you jin jin?" you cooed into his ear squeezing the inner parts of his thigh making his semi hard length harden to its extent.

he nodded before you brought your lips back on his, slowly palming his girth before halting all of your movements.

"oh right i have to go make dinner jin jin." you lastly spoke leaving the horny and confused man laying on the bed in the bedroom alone.


yoongi was cooking dinner when you gladly disturbed him by wrapping your arms around his slim waist and slipping your hand pass his apron into his trousers.

"can you at least wait until i finish cooking?" he grunted as he leaned his head more to side to give you more access to his neck.

you loved watching the effect of your teasing on him as you pumped his hard on while his knuckles turned white from gripping onto the countertop.

"actually yoongs," you spoke removing your hand off his length, "i have to go call my mom back." then leaving the room.

he was so going to get you back for that but first he had to go finish himself off in the half bathroom.


hoseok was laying in bed, watching his tv shows as usual until you came into the room with a big t-shirt with a surprise underneath.

"hi hobs." you spoke making your way towards him getting onto his lap as he paused the tv.

bringing your lips into his you slowly grinned your unclothed core onto the the soft lump, soon turning hard, in the front of his shorts.

"you're so naughty." he beaned pulling away from the kiss.

he felt your hand slip into his shorts pass his underwear grabbing the base of his length stroking it as his head fell back.

"don't stop, go faster." he moaned out but then grunted when the soothing pleasure was no where to be felt and when he opened his eyes the last thing he saw was you running out the door.


you watched as namjoon talked into his phone to his mother. the way he sat in the chair, man spreading, made you want to tease him.

"hey baby mom says hi," he spoke as you waved your hand 'hi', "she said hi mom."

you crawled under the desk moving your hands from his knees to the insides of his muscular thighs soon meeting the middle.

"uh- yes mom y/n has been feeding me." he spoke into the phone trying to shoo you away as you unzipped his pants zipper then pulling out his length.

you had his hard on in your hand as your slowly jerked it a few times watching his mouth fall open making eye contact with you.

"yes mom we're fine, ugh y/n and i have dinner reservations later on tonight ." he spoke trying to cover his grunts as you kitty licked his tip before letting his length sink into your mouth.

he put his hand on your head pulling you down further as you gagged a little then making a popping noise as your pulled your mouth off his dick then getting from under the desk wiping the side of your mouth.

"where are you going?" he mouthed as he pointed to his still standing girth waiting to be finished off as you waved goodbye making him frustrated.

"yes mom, i'm still here."



my little hiatus is over:) and i'm back completely. i have to get all of these chapters wrote so i can start the new ones.

namjoon's is my favorite as you can see:D

i made a inkitt if this book gets deleted, it's the same username.

i hope y'all stay safe too<3

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