| HYUNG LINE - when he gets buff |

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jin was in the kitchen making dinner but he felt your presence as you walked up behind him.

"you're up now," he spoke but felt your hands go under his shirt and caress his stomach.

"jin when'd you start to working out?" you cooed as you squeezed his arms feeling that he's been bulking up as your mind was going raid of how his arms would look like flexing in the bed on top of you.

he didn't answer you as the answer was pretty obvious but it was something about him wanting to build more body mass was turning you on even more.

moving his hair to kiss his neck, jin stammered around the stove trying to turn it off as your hand went up his shirt again letting your fingers slightly graze his nipple then squeezing the hardened bud.

"y/n please if you want some just say it," he cooed flipping positions as he picked you up and placed you on the kitchen corner by the sink caressing your thighs are you two shared a hot kiss.

"okay then i want you to rail me on this corner."

yoongi could sense your eyes burning holes in his back as he was flaunting around the house with only his pajama pants free balling- letting his length do whatever it wanted in them.

"do you want something y/n?" he questioned as he turned around in his tracks seeing you completely dazed as the front side of his naked from the waist up body was now on display.

"no i'm fine but um why don't you have on underwear?" you cooed seeing as you looked him up and down then stopping at the print in the center of his pants making it jump a little, " i can't wear underwear in my own home now?"

getting up to move closer to him as you exclaimed his body with your hands trying to figure out why you didn't notice how much muscle it contained.

"sexy," you whispered as arousal pooled in between your legs as your fingertips grazed every small ab in his stomach then moving south grazing your green acrylic on the outline of his length causing him to groan, "i want you now."

"what was that sweetheart?" he teased as he caught your lips in a steamy kiss with your hands placed on his body: one on his length slightly squeezing it and one on the right side of his stomach.

"i want you to do me on the couch, now."

"hoseok what you got going on here?" you asked seeing as he was in the gym room doing arm curls making you look at how his arm and back flexed in the semi- tight tshirt.

he stopped his rep turning your way as he seen that your attention averted from his body to his face and back to his body, "it's arm day."

your facial expression changed to a understanding look but when hoseok stood up his shirt stuck to his abs as you admired them all you wanted to do was touch them.

"hoseok take the shirt for me," you spoke softly seeing as he slightly hesitant but soon peeled the shirt of his sweaty body letting you see what you wanted, "wow that's hot."

"what's hot?" he questioned catching you off guard stammering over what to say.

motioning him over towards you to whisper in his ear, your hand came from his waist up to this chest pass his neck to grip his brown locks bringing him into a kiss then licking a swipe over his lips.

"do me on the weight bench."

watching as namjoon got out of his side of the bed, you seen a different in his shoulders as they seemed broader than they were before; his new physique was turning you on.

"joonie where you going?" you spoke in a child like manner seeing as he took off his shirt giving you a better view of his chest and toned flat stomach.

he streched before he spoke making his vline mire visible making your hormones go wild.

"i'm going to go shower." he spoke before closing the bathroom door, "you can join if you want."

you hurriedly got up out the bed and stripped out his shirt and panties then rushing into to the bathroom as his naked form was hidden in a mist of steam before getting in with him.

"wow," your hands snuck around his waist raiding over his fit body feeling every muscle and every curve then stopping above his area making him turn around and face you, "what's wrong?"

"can you fuck me in here?"
author note:


also since i stan well i'm a little gay for twice members and itzy, i'm going to make a awbw twice book since i don't see any of those and i want to try to write girlxgirl scenarios. [ this was a lowkey request and i've been reading them]

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