| HYUNG LINE - when he's needy |

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he wouldn't tell you he was craving your touch but the little kisses and rubs told you otherwise. you wanted see how far he would go until he lose his mind.

"awn my poor needy baby." you cooed.

watching as his expression soften when you placed your lips on his, kissing him softly until his tongue slipped into your mouth. showing his impatience.

as you continued, you purposely trailed you hand from his neck down south to rub on his noticeable hard on in his shorts.

he winced at the pleasure he was receiving making his head fall backwards giving you access to kiss and suck little purple marks on his neck.

you stopped all of actions, causing him to whine but noticed that you walked upstairs motioning him to follow you.

"follow me jin jin, i know you want it." you spoke seductively while smirking.


yoongi couldn't help but to stare at your ass in the short shorts you were wearing around the house.

he thought you were doing it on purpose but in reality you just wanted to wear something that you could lounge. especially since you hated wearing panties.

"baby come here. please." he whined as he patted his lap.

walking over to him, you could tell he was horny by looking at the obvious tent in his pants but you wanted to feed into his neediness.

"did you want something yoongs?" you spoke as you straddled his legs.

you felt his boner but you didn't know it was this hard, so you rocked you hips on his front earning a husky grunt from his soft rose lips.

"i need you so bad y/n." he cooed as he brought you into a kiss while his hands roamed to the the cushion of  your ass, first squeezing it then slapping it.
pulling away, "then take it how you want it yoongs." you whispered into his ear before biting his ear lobe.

"ride me please." he thrusted his hips up hungrily.


whenever hoseok was in need of some punai, he would trail you around the house until you gave him what he wanted.

"hobi move from behind me!" you semi-yelled at him.

you were trying to make breakfast but hoseok closed off your movements as he pressed his hard on into your backside that's when you realized why he was trailing you.

"i know you feel me, baby please i'll leave you alone after." he begged

you turned off the stove and turned around to face him staring deep into his eyes without saying a word.

"jung hoseok, we just had sex 5 minutes ago, why are you so horny?" you said as you stroked his cheek.

he didn't say a peep only smashed his lips on yours as your hand had a mind of it's own and rubbed his hard length making him groan into the kiss.

"jump" he spoke sternly and walked both of you upstairs as he slapped your ass thrice.


he watched you with lusted full eyes as you were cleaning up your shared bedroom. the way you bent down on your knees to get any waterbottles from under the bed, vacuuming the carpet, fluffing the blankets and pillows.

namjoon sneaked up behind you, groping your breasts as he grinned his lower half into you butt.

"namjoon not now i have to clean the bedroom." you spoke as your were tying to fixing the blanket on your side on the bed.

however he didn't listen to you, as he turned you around so that you were head on and kissed you hungrily while he left hand hooked around the waistband of your shorts.

"just let me give it to you and i'll be out of your hair baby." he cooed bringing his lips to your neck.

author note:

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