| KSJ - birthday seggs |

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you woke up earlier than jin does to wish him a "happy birthday" and to rush him out of the house so you could get it ready before he came back.

you watched him do his daily routine, took a shower, brush his teeth, wash his face shirtless... if you said you didn't want to give him his birthday gift now, you would be lying.
as he got dressed, he made himself breakfast while you watched.

as he was about to leave, you  made your way towards him and when you made eye contact with you, you just wanted to let him fuck your brains.

"happy birthday baby"

"thank you"

he said kissing your lips but you continued the kiss as it started to get heated whereas you started to put your tongue down his throat to get him riled up, but you had other plans. so you stopped abruptly catching him off guard.

"okay okay minster you have to go"

you spoke as you lightly patted his butt.

"but i don't want to go yet, just one more kiss" he pouted but stopped when you gave the birthday boy his kiss.

"okay you got your kiss, now go" shooing him out the door.

"okay i love you bye" he spoke as he stole another kiss and walked out of the door. now that he was gone, it was time to set up.


it was 9 pm and jin was coming home anytime soon, so you hurried up the stairs put on your new set of white lace panties and bra, his favorite perfume he preferred on you and slipped on a robe.

this was his gift after all, since you overheard him talking to the boys about how he wanted to go raw in you until you both gave out, leaving you filled up with his juices and possibly pregnant with his child.

you heard the door unlock and you stood next to the door in the dark. as you seen his tall figure in the dark, you grabbed his area and starting kissing him as he was completely taken aback, but was moaning in the kiss.

"woah," he mumbled, "that's new"

you could tell he was enjoying it as you continued rubbing him through his jeans, he started to harden.

you were only getting started so you stopped.

"why'd you stop?" he pouted, "if you want me to continue, i advise you to follow me upstairs."

you spoke as you dropped your robe revealing the white lace and the look on his face showed that you completely blew his mind.

he followed after you, stepping on the rose petals that were on the stairs heading to the bedroom.

once in the room, he took ahold of your lips, kissing you like there was no tomorrow.  you helped him out of his shirt, caressing his stomach to feel his abs and back up to pinch one of his nipples earning a groan making you giggle in the kiss.

he slapped your ass as he walked both of you backwards until you fell on top of the bed and he positioned himself between your legs. he started to rub his hand down your thigh to the waistband of the white lace panties and ripped them.

"those cost a lot and you just up and ripped them" you whined just to be kissed again, but started to whimper into the kiss when his thumb made contact with your clit rubbing it in continuous circles trying to get you to release.

at this point, you were throbbing and soaking as he just made you cum. he started to take off his pants along with his underwear. as he reached for the drawer to get a condom, but you stopped him.

" no condom tonight jinnie, i recall hearing you say you want to go raw and fill me up which is kinda strange since you like using condoms"
with those words, you set off something off in his head making him come towards your direction, rub his tip on your slit, and enter you, thrusting slowly at first but picking up the pace.

"you should really try to not listen in on my conversations"

he growled as he slammed into you harder causing you to gasp since you were used to always having vanilla sex with him and still being sensitive. as time went on, he flipped over and had you ride him.

you started to bounce faster as he held your hips to keep you from going any faster or he would've came.

when he let go you started to slow down your pace, sliding up and down slowing as you felt him twitch and groan. you came down to his level and kissed him as you continued sliding down on him at that same slow pace.

you put your head on the side of his as he groaned in your ear as he was twitching suddenly. since you were now swirling your hips in circles at the bottom of his length, you started to speed up a little as you went back to bouncing and as you continued, the twitching was occurring more.

"ugh i'm about to cum"
you heard him groan in your ear, making you go a little faster.

"go ahead and cum"

you spoke as you sucked on his neck while he shook under you and shot his load up inside of you so you started going at a slow pace again to get every last drop.

he stopped your actions to put you in a doggystyle position, making you immediately arch your back lower to the mattress as he entered you and to give him a full view of his length sliding in and out of you.

"go deeper jinnie"

you moaned and he did what he was told but wanted to  tease you a little as he slowly pull out to the tip just to go back in deeper than he was. he loved it and went deeper and went faster with each thrust while he snuck his hand under you to rub your clit.

it was so much for you that you put your hand behind to put it on his stomach trying to slow his movements but he wasn't letting up and removed his hand so he can grab your arm and kept it behind your back as he thrusted harder. he started twitching again and you started to clench on him violently meaning you were coming.

"wait for me" he grunted

and with that he thrusted faster and rubbed your clit at a fast pace, chasing both highs. with ten more strokes, he came inside you again as you shook and slowly started to back up against him as you felt him harden getting ready for another round.


let's just say you gave him the best birthday gift ever as he came in you six times , but he didn't expect such news three weeks later.

"seokjinnie baby"


"i'm pregnant"

"birthday sex, huh?"

author note:

< edited n revised: 06/18/21 7:57 am CT>

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