| MAKANE LINE - him oversimulating you |

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jimin watched as your body jiggled up and down in his lap lazily with your hands resting on his shoulders slowly your movements.

"come on baby i know you can give me another." he cooed as he caressed your hips before thrusting his hips up in a inhumane pace.

you hid your head in the crook of neck feeling your umpteenth climax abruptly approaching due to his length drilling into you.

"yes baby come on give it to me." he spoke as he snaked one hand to rub your already swollen bud making your head go back and back arch.

"i'm so getting you next tim- i'm cumming."


taehyung wanted to reward you for being such a good girl to him the pass week. meaning you just sitting there and not being a brat put you in the situation you were in now.

what situation you ask? taehyung had you sitting on the couch half naked as he had your legs pent open as he devoured your princess.

"please tae no more." you whimpered gripping his black locks as you grinded your hips into his mouth.

he gave you a couple more licks before pulling away as you half lidded eyes made contact with his.

"come on you been such a good girl and i just want to please so take it." his voice sternly said as he buried his face back into your core.

"mmph right there."


jungkook wanted to see how many times you could cum to get you to squirt but you knowing your body that wasn't possible but you let him do what he wanted.

"wait you asshole that's too high." you yelled as jungkook played with the settings on the toy as he circled it on your clit.

he watched as your face scrunched up from the overwhelming pleasure rushing through your body while he fingered you with two digits.

"you're really trying to- oh fuck" you moaned as your eyes turned white and your body jolted against his fingers and the vibrator.

"that was hot baby, but you have to give me four more."



i made a instagram. the username will be changed bc i do not like but it's something simple i guess.

hobi's birthday chapter will be published later on tonight if not then tomorrow.

right the username is @/iluvvj.


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