| MYG - in those jeans |

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yoongi watched you in the dressing room mirror, as you tried on various types of jeans.

he couldn't help but admire the way your ass bulged in the stretchy material but looked away with you turned around averting his attention back to his phone.

"babe should i get these?" you beaned looking into his eyes.

all he did was stare at you and going back to his phone, making you aggravated.

going back into the dressing room and slamming it after yourself, you took off the jeans, threw them in the corner, and tried on another after another after another soon being fed up with his reaction to each pair.

"fucking asshole." you mumbled walking back into the dressing room and being suddenly pulled back.

yoongi spun you in a circle getting a 360 of your behind in them slapping your ass in the process.

" i like these baby, you should buy them." he beaned in your ear as he had your backside pressed against his frontside.

feeling as the wet pool of arousal seeped into the fabric of your panties as yoongi's mouth moved on your neck kissing and sucking it as he walked you both back into the dressing room.

"you have to be quiet, okay?" he beaned as his hands squeezed both sides of your ass making you squeak, knowing it's your weakness.

undoing you pants buttons, he slipped his hand into the pink fabric of your thong moving his finger along your slit before slipping it inside of you.

you couldn't help but moan at the way his slim fingers were pumping in and out of you.

"you know sweetheart, i heard you mumble under your breath and i think you should get all of the jeans." his husky voice cooed in your ear making you shudder.

yoongi could tell you were close at how you were clenching his fingers, he swiftly removed them, sucked your juices off his fingers and unbuckled his pants.

"why'd you stop?" you whined looking into his dark eyes and followed them to down to your bottoms.

"off. now." you took the jeans off along with your undergarments before your back was pushed against the wall.

he dragged his tip along your folds as one of his arms lifted your left leg before dipping his length into your core earning a groan and a moan from the both of your mouths at the pleasure.

yoongi thrusted into you at an inhumane speed, at first he wanted to savor the pleasure and the sweet moans that fell out of your mouth when you got home but the way your ass looked and how you started to become a brat turned him on even more.

"look at you shallowing me up like that." he groaned as his stroked slowed hearing the wet sounds that followed and all you did was softly moan in response.

your lips found his and moved sloppily as his strokes sped up he shallowed each moan in the kiss.

his finger moved to locate your sensitive bud rubbing the pad of his thumb on it in a side-to-side motion making you throw your head back.

"please, you gonna to make me cum." you whine feeling the tip of his length hit your sweet spot repeatedly until your body shook violently under his.

yoongi kissed your lips as his finger simulated your clit in circles making your body shake more than it was while his dick continued to pump in you.

as you were still coming down, yoongi wasn't stopping and the pleasurable pain of being overstimulated drew small tears from your eyes.

you started to squeeze him tighter into your walls and you felt him twitch earning a groan from his sweet rose lips as he picked up the pace.

"fuck i'm almost there, don't clench." he whispered in your ear but you did otherwise.

as his hips slammed into yours, you enclosed his dick more into your walls as his twitching became rather violent and his groans became more sinful until you felt his warm load shoot up into you sending a relieved moan from your lips.

bringing his lips into yours, he slowly thrusted into your tight hole as he jerked his length upwards in the process making sure every last drop of his nut was in you before pulling out.

"now be a good girl and bag all of the jeans so we can buy them." he spoke buckling up his pants and tying his belt before walking back out as you followed behind.

the worker there spotted him with a unreadable look, "sir, you are not supposed to have sex in the dressing rooms. it's unsanitary." she whispered.

"well someone needs to clean it then, now can you ring up all the jeans my girlfriend has?"

this was alright, not my best though. this is better than "nasty" but "nasty" was a little out of hand with all the spitting💀
hoseok's is coming soon and i already prewrote jimin's which is SO GOOD and  i can't wait to upload it.

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