| PJM - boyfriend no.2 |

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"i'm jimin," he smiled looking at me, "do you have a boyfriend y/n?"

since i answered his question, me and jimin has been sleeping around behind darion's back.
what can i say? jimin was beating it better since day 1.

opening the front door, my lips hungrily connected with jimin's, we stumbled around the kitchen knocking over cups and a flower glass hearing it crash on the floor was the least of our concern.

he pulled my shirt from over my head showing my busty tits in a lavender bra and i worked on unbuttoned his jeans feeling the tent in the material strain against them.

"he missed you," jimin breathed out as he spoke into the kiss, "so fucking much."

we were now by the dining room table, pressing my body against the cold glass as he hooked one of my legs on his hip as i was tilted backwards shuddering from the coldness.

his hand trailed up my thigh and up the material of my skirt pushing it upwards as the whole thing hooked around my waist letting him see a full view of my matching thong.

lips still connected, he pulled the lacey material to the side of my puffy cunt feeling his index finger lubricate itself in my slick then insert itself into my hole and exiting.

"brace yourself," he spoke with member in hand stroking it then bringing his pink tip to the split of my folding gliding his girth in with one thrust of his hips.

jimin didn't waste any time as his strokes were fast feeling the squeeze of my velvety walls enclose his member.

"feels good girly?" he questioned smirking at my current state seeing as i was clearly enjoying each smack of his pelvis on my clit drawing my climax closer.

his thumb circled my sensitive bud as he locked his lips with mine shallowing each other moans and groans.

tighten the grip my legs had around his waist pulling his deeper into me, his thrusts stayed the same making the familiar pleasure seized throughout my body making the grip i had on him loosen from the shaking.

"give it all to me baby girl," he groaned feeling his oneself twitch in my warmth ready to cum.

jimin slowed himself down letting his tip slide out to the base of my opening and back fulling to the brim letting his cum coat my insides.

"fuck," he mustered to get out but now the sound of my phone ringing was heard, "you should get that."

he pulled out and placed his length back into his pants and he helped me off the table letting me walk over the the kitchen counter looking at the caller id.

"it's him isn't it?" jimin asked not getting a reply when i answered the call.


"where are you?"

"stop pestering me," i sighed, "i'm coming home jesus."

letting those be my last words of our call.

"come on jimin, take me home."

author note:
5 down, 4 to go

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