| KNJ - neighbors know my name |

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" NAMJOON!" you screamed as he pounded you restlessly.

the claw marks in his back showed how good he made you feel and the constant knocking of the bed hitting the walls alerted the sleeping neighbors to come and knock on the door.

namjoon watched how his length sunk deep into your core as you legs shook while hooked around his waist.

"shh baby you have to be quiet." he beaned in your ear bringing his lips to kiss your earlobe.

squeezing your legs tighter around his waist to pull him deeper to abuse your sweet spot more than he was, feeling the heat wave of your climax slowly approaching but the sudden sensation of namjoon's slender finger flick your swollen bud signaling sweet moans to escape your already sore throat.

"are you going to give it to me sweetheart? let me have it baby." he cooed as he kept his finger rubbing your clit bringing you to your 3rd orgasm.

" please joon, please.." the whine left your mouth as namjoon slowed his strokes but sped up the circle motion on your bud until the shaking of your body started as your eyes rolled in the back of your head.

"good girl, baby." he praised slowly picking up the pass of his thrusts getting more spams from your body as he wanted to push you a little further until he came.

your mouth hung open as the pleasurable screams of namjoon's name leaving it until they were stopped with a sloppy kiss.

namjoon's tongue swirled with yours, fighting his for dominance but he absolutely won as you fought back weakly.

"you think you could give me another?" he groaned feeling his dick twitch in your warmth.

you simply nodded feeling him punt into you at an inhumane speed as his finger matched the same speed making you arch your back and moan from the sensation of the ramming of his dick in you and the wet feeling on your right brown nipple.

the knocking of the headboard continued driving the neighbors out of their beds and continuously knock on the door, but the bliss of your climax washing over you followed along with hyperventilating and eyes rolling in the back of your sockets.

namjoon on the other hand, the steady strokes caused his dick to twitch uncontrollably until his cum shot into your cervix earning a moan and a groan from the both of you.

slowly jerking his length upwards as he stroked into you a few more times before pulling out and getting out the bed.

"baby next time try to be a little quieter, i know it's good but i don't want to deal with them every time." he kissed your lips and tried the string to his sweat shorts walking out the bedroom to the front door.

the knocking intensified as he got closer to the door opening it.

"can you please keep it down, i have to work in the morning." the male neighbor said.

namjoon made brief eye contact and shook his head.

"no sometimes she likes it rough and i like when she's loud, sorry." he last spoke closing the door making his way back to your sleeping form in the bed.

i jumped right into the smut bc idk how to make the storyline... i'm going to bed and i might update 2 times tmrw since there's a game tmrw.
vj out✌🏽:)

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