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How can I watch TV right now? I'm a father now.
"I think this pregnancy thing is getting me too emotional." she said and laughed.
"Using the pregnancy as an excuse, love?"


I looked at him. He placed his hand on my belly and I placed my hand on his hand. We both smiled. This looks like a dream. A dream that I really don't want to wake up.

"What are we saying to my parents? And Henry..." I asked.
The door opened. It was my parents. I looked to Hook with a "don't tell my parents now" look.

"Hey Emma! You're back!" my mom said.
"Yeah I just went for a walk. Well... I think I'll pick up Henry. He's at Regina's house. I'll be back." I said.
"I'm going with you." Killian said.
I nodded and smiled.
"Byee" Snow said while preparing the dinner.

We got in the car.
"I don't think I'm prepared to tell my parents.. You know.. When I got pregnant for the first time, I was alone. I didn't need to tell anyone whatever was happening to me." I started.
"Well Swan... This time is different. You have to tell them. Soon your belly is going to grow and your parents will notice don't you think?" He said witha smirk.

"Yeah I know but-" he cutted me off "what if you tell them tonight? After dinner?" he asked.
"Okay..." I started driving. We brought Henry home and we had dinner. Henry went to his room.

"Okay I'm tired. I'm-" Snow started but I interrupted.
"Can we have a talk please?" my mom looked to me.
"Sure... Is everything okay?" my dad asked.


I think I'll keep quite. Maybe I should go outside... This is more a daughter-parents conversation. I'm just the father of the baby...
The baby... My baby. I'm a father. Captain Hook the father. No. Killian Jones the father.

"You guys know... I love Hook. And he loves me. And... Now without villains..." she started.

"You guys want to get your own place? It's okay Emma." Snow started.
This will be harder than I thought.

"Well... What I want to talk with you guys... It's... I'm pregnant." she said and automatically their mouths opened of surprise.
"Ah... Wow! Tha-That's amazing!!" Snow said and hugged her.
David didn't look like Snow.
"Dad?" she asked.
He hugged her suddenly. Wow I'm so relieved now. "I'm so proud of you" I hear him whispering to Emma.

"So ... I suppose you're the father..." David said to me. "You're part of this family now. Congratulations!" he continued. I smiled and Emma was looking at me with watered eyes. "I'll take care of these two and Henry. You don't have to worry." I said to her parents.
"I know." Snow said. "So... Did you tell Henry? How long are you?" she asked Emma.
"3 weeks and we didn't tell him yet. I'm afraid he won't like it... Neal just died... And now-"
"Emma... I know he will understand. He just wants your happiness. And a baby? He loves to take care of Neal why wouldn't he like these news?" Snow interrupted her.

"Well... He is probably sleeping right now. Tomorrow I'll tell him." she said. "Okay. It's getting late. Tomorrow we talk better" David said and Snow and David went to their bedroom.

Emma made a hot cocoa and sat with me on the couch. "I'm surprised they agreed with this." she started.
"Yeah me too, love. I'm so relieved."

We watched TV and she fell asleep laid on me.
"Hey, love. Let's go to bed." she opened her eyes slowly.
I turned off the TV and I brought her to bed. And she fell asleep. I fell asleep too giving her caressing her face.


The alarm clock rang. I switched it off. I woke up. Killian woke up.
"You can sleep. I'll just take Henry to school and I'll tell him." I said slowly to him.
"I'll go with you."
"No... Let me talk with him alone. It's better." I said. I'm really nervous. "Okay, love. Good luck" and I kissed him.

I prepared myself and I got dressed. I went to the kitchen and Henry was there waiting for breakfast.

"Morning kid. I'll take you to school today." I said.
"Morning mom. It's okay I can go on foot." he said.
"I-I need to talk with you."

"Hum okay..." he said. He ate the pancakes and we went outside.

"You know... Me and Hook are together..." I started. "And you know I really loved your father." I continued. "What do you want to tell me, mom?" he asked.
"You... will be a brother." I said. He looked at me. I don't know what to say.
"You're pregnant?" he asked. I couldn't tell if he was or not angry.
"I'm sorry if you don't want it. I know Neal just died and I'm just-" he hugged me.
"I'm so happy for you."
"I love you kid. You're always first. You know it right?" He nodded, smiled and went to school. He said goodbye.

I went home. Killian was awake.

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