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I woke up. She was so tired so she didn't notice I got up.

I left her sleep.

I got dressed and I prepared myself.

I went downstairs and I saw Henry.

"Morning mate."

"Morning. Is mom still sleeping?" he asked.

"Aye. (...) do you have plans for today?" I asked.

"Oh.. Yes... I'm meeting with Paige."

"How is your relationship going?" I asked.

"I love her. I really do. And I'm sure she does too." he said and I smiled.

I went to the kitchen and I cooked something for Emma's breakfast.

I cooked grilled cheese and hot cocoa with cinnamon and I put it all on a board and I took it to her bedroom.

I landed the board at the end of the bed.

"Hey... Love..." I whispered and she slowly opened her eyes. "I brought you breakfast."

She sat up and I showed her the breakfast.

"Aww... Fries?" she asked.

Oops I brought onion rings.

"Onion Rings."

"Good. I was just testing you." she said. "Thank you Killian." she continued and she kissed me quickly.

"I thought we could go to the summer palace today." I said. She looked to me smiling.

"Good idea."

She ate and we went downstairs.


"Mom, I need one of your dresses please." I yelled to her. I don't have any.

"Of course. Go to the wardrobe room. Pick whatever you like."

I went there and I didn't know what to pick.

I saw a beautiful one. It was white and beige. It had small diamonds. It was perfect to ride a horse.

I went downstairs. "Emma we are meeting Regina right now. Do you want to come?" my dad asked.

"Sorry I can't. We are going to see the summer palace. But we can meet in Regina's castle after it."

"Okay. Have fun!" he said and kissed my forehead.

I went outside and Killian was there waiting for me. "You look beautiful, Swan." he said.

"Are you going to say it everyday?" I said laughing.

"It's the truth, love." he said grabbing me.

I blushed.

"You're ready?" he asked.


I love to be with my arms around his waist and my head laid on his back.

"How do you know where it is?" I asked.

"Your mother told me. Let's see if I can remember." he said laughing.

We spent an hour going everywhere.

"But it was supposed to be here..." he whispered.

Oh no... This isn't good.

"Are we lost?" I asked.

"You're never lost with me, love." he laughed.

After million turns he stopped the horse.

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