The Enchanted Forest

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"Killian? Is it you?!" Emma yelled from the bedroom.

"Yes, love. I brought our breakfast!" I yelled back.

I put the box with the ballgown behind the sofa.

She came to me.

"Are you better?" and I kissed her.

"Yes... I'm okay." she said smiling. "What did you get?"

"Grilled cheese, coffee and hot cocoa to Henry. Do you like it?" I said grabbing her waist.

"Perfect." she said smiling and kissed me. "Let me call Henry first." she said and she went.

I took the box and I put it in our wardrobe.

I went to the kitchen and we had the breakfast.

Then Emma's phone rang.


"It's me Emma, David. You guys have to go now to the town line. All the town is disappearing. We will have to spend the night here because this will be the last place disappearing."

"Okay. We're there in 5 minutes."

"What's up, love?" Killian asked.

I explained and we prepared everything we wanted to take with us to the Enchanted Forest.

We got in the car and we went.

Killian had a red box on his legs.

"What's in that?" I asked.

"Oh... Some clothes." he said. Hum... Okay.

We got there and all the town people were there.

I tried to find Regina.

"Regina?!" I yelled when I saw her.

"Emma! This is happening today. All the town is disappearing too fast."

"Wha-What? So what should we do?" I asked.

"We have to bring everybody to the well, where we will open the portal."

"Okay I'll do that." I said and I climbed my dad's truck.

"Everyone! Please I need your attention. This is happening today. We need to work all together. Make sure you have everything with you. No one go back to their houses. There's no time for that. Now everyone goes to the well, where I and Regina will open the portal. Please keep calm and make sure you take everything with you." I said. When I finished everyone started talking again. And they went to the well.

Killian helped me get down from the car. "You're a bloody leader, Swan." he whispered. I rolled my eyes.

And we went to the well.

My parents put some tents there for people can rest. Me, Killian, Regina and David were making sure everyone was okay and how many time left to open the portal. After an hour giving food to people and helping them I sat on the floor with my back against a tree. Killian saw me.

"How's Henry?" I asked.

"Sleeping. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Thanks." I answered.

"You look tired. Go rest. There's a tent-"

"No it's okay. I can't sleep knowing something will happen." I said. He sat next to me and he grabbed my hand. I laid my head on his shoulder and I fell asleep.


I looked at her and she was sleeping.

I stretched my legs and I put her head on them. I'm sure she is more comfortable now. David saw us and he came to us. "Here... A blanket. Cover her." he said and he gave me the blanket.

"Thanks mate." he smiled.

I stayed there giving her little parties on her face and playing with her hair tangled on my fingers.

*3 hours later*

I could see a light at the end of the town. It was almost here. Emma was sleeping.

"Killian, wake her up! It's happening now." Regina yelled.

"Love..." she started moving. "You can rest later in the Enchanted Forest, but now you have to wake up. It's happening." I whispered. She opened her eyes scared.

She got up. The light was almost here.

"Emma let's start this! Robin, tell everybody to get up and come! Snow you're the first one going. We need a leader there." Regina explained to us. I went with Emma next to the well.

"Now think really hard in the Enchanted Forest and in the town destruction. We will be the last ones going because we have to keep the portal opened." she said to her. Emma nodded. "You can do this, love." I said to her. She smiled. She was so nervous.

She pointed her hands to the well. The light was coming faster and faster.

The portal opened.

Snow went with David, Henry and Neal and they got in the portal. Were they okay?

Emma was scared and trying to keep the portal opened but it was really hard.

"Come on! Everybody go now!" I yelled.

People started walking and entering in the portal. Robin said goodbye with his eyes to Regina and he entered in the portal with Roland.

There was no more people.

"Killian go now!!!!!!" Emma yelled.

I entered it never stop looking to her eyes.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in the Enchanted Forest. Somewhere in the woods. Everyone was using their costumes including me.

Emma wasn't here. Where's she? The portal is still opened. What happened? Regina and Emma are still there.


"Now what do we do?!!!" I yelled to Regina.

"We jump at 3. 1... 2.... 3!!!!" she yelled and we jumped.

I closed my eyes. And then I fell on the floor. I opened my eyes. The Enchanted Forest...

I saw Killian with Henry. Killian looked like a prince. He was so charming. He helped me getting up. I opened my mouth of surprise.

That's when I realize I'm wearing a big white ballgown. Everyone was with their costumes least Neal and Henry because they weren't from here. "Welcome to the Enchanted Forest, my princess." Killian said and I laughed. A scared laugh. He hugged me hard. "We did it." he whispered. I nodded.

I saw my parents. "Whoa-" I said when I saw their costumes. All so beautiful. I hugged them.

"Wow Emma... You look perfect with ballgowns" my dad said.

This ballgown is so uncomfortable. I can't breathe.

"So now what do we do?" Regina asked.

"Let's run this kingdom." Snow said. Everyone started talking and laughing. Everyone was happy for being back.

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