The End?

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Someone knocked the door. I opened it. It was Regina."Morning Regina. Any news?"

Killian appeared behind me with his hands on my waist. "What's the up, love?" he asked.

"The purple thing is flashing, like it is disappearing." she said.

"So that means the spell is almost over!" Killian said with a smile.

"Or maybe something is happening." Regina said ruining his smile.

We all went outside and we saw a purple cloud coming. Another curse.

"Yey!! Another curse..." I whispered. Without knowing what the hell this curse is doing to us.

"We have to do something! Maybe if we leave the town." my dad yelled. He's right.

We all got in David's truck and we went to the town line. "Bloody hell" Killian surprised said.

There were more purple clouds coming from outside.

"How is this possible? A curse in all world? There's no magic outside. (...) wait..." I said and then I had a idea.

I went to my dad's truck and I turned on the radio.

"Something strange is happening in New York. A purple cloud is coming from everywhere. The police is taking care of the case while they can. There's no way out so please don't freak out and calm down. Don't panic. Please no-" and there was no more connection with the radio.

This is happening in everywhere.

The cloud was almost here.

"No! There must be something right?!" I yelled. Killian grabbed my hand.


"Regina. How do we stop this bloody thing?" I asked. We were all happy and now this.

The bloody cloud was almost here.

"Mom?" Henry come to Emma. She hugged him crying. "Henry... Let's keep to-together okay? I promise everything will be okay. I love you so much kid!" her weak voice with pain said to him.

This can't be happening. "I love you too mom." he said to her and they stopped hugging. He hugged Regina too so hard. Emma looked to me. "Killian.... Why?" she said crying. I hugged her really hard. Pulling her body next to mine. My hand tangled with her hair and her head on my shoulder. I started crying.

"I love you Emma. This isn't a goodbye." I said to her and she kissed me. Like it was the last kiss.

"I love you too." she said and I wiped her tears and pulled her forehead to mine.

"Emma?" Snow called her. She hugged her and her father.

"Guys? (...) It's here." and I pointed.


The clouds were almost above us. I want to grab Henry but he was with Regina. I saw Killian. He hugged me and we saw the clouds between us.

"Swan?!" I could hear his voice. I only could see purple. I tried to close my eyes.

"Killian!-" I tried yo yell.

He grabbed me harder.

Three minutes without seeing anything and then I tried to open my eyes. I saw a light.

And when I opened my eyes I saw everyone and everything was back to normal.

"What was this?" my mom asked grabbing Neal with my dad.

I looked to everything trying to understand what happened. "You okay, Swan?"

I nodded "yeah I think I am."

"The purple wall is gone." Regina said.

"So that means Rumple and his friends are out of town right?" I tried to understand but everything was confusing.

I saw Belle running coming to us.

"Em-(...) Emma! Emm-" she called me trying to breathe. "Whoa-What?"

"It's Ru-Rumple... He-He wants to kil-kill you. You have to go now!"

"What?!" Killian yelled grabbing me. He was more worried than me I think.

"Thanks deary. You just did all my work. (...) So here are you, miss Swan." he scared me with his voice. "So lovely this couple. It's so sad that today's the end." he started teasing us.

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