Half Hearts

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** Here's a soundtrack if you want more feels**


"Don't even try to touch my daughter." my dad yelled with his sword.


No. No. This can't be happening. "Say goodbye, savior." the crocodile whispered. I tried to protect her but he sent me to the floor with his magic. I was unconscious and when I woke up I saw Ursula grabbing Mary Margaret, David, Regina and even Henry with her octupus arms. I tried to get up.

Emma was trying to win with her magic. She was really powerful. Maybe even more powerful than the crocodile. But he had something that she didn't. Years of practising.

"Don't try. You can't win." and he grabbed her neck with his hand. He started suffocating her.

I stuck my hook on his chest trying to stop him. He left Emma. She fell in the floor. "You don't really learn at first, pirate. Your hook can't kill me. And now as the first time I'm gonna kill your love. First Milah, now Emma... Who will be the next one? Well we will have to wait more 200 years." and one of the women dressed with black and white grabbed me with her magic. Emma tried to spell something but then another woman pulled her hands to the back. Emma tried to escape but she couldn't.

"You're a monster... No one deserves you." Emma said with pain and a lot of tears.

Rumple prepared his hand.


This bloody thing isn't happening. Why the hell does he want so much to kill her?

He ripped her heart. "STOP! LET HER!" David tried to yell but his tears couldn't let him talk.

Snow was crying really hard.

He started crushing her heart.

"Henry... Hey I'm here. Don't look at it. Look at me." I could hear Regina telling it to Henry.

Emma was crying of pain. "Sto- argh! Please!"

She was slowly falling to the ground.

She looked at me with a "save me please" look.

I tried to move. I couldn't.

"St-Stop... Please..." she whispered crying.

"DON'T!" David yelled.

"STOP. Please... I'd do anything. Stop!" I said.

And he crushed it.

Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it.

You traded your ship for me?

I'm a fan of every part of you.

Morning sleeping beauty.

Because I'm pregnant.

I love you Killian.

"MOM!" Henry yelled. I couldn't think of anything but her voice. Her smile. Her eyes. Her hair. Her touch. Her lips.

"No... No! NO! SWAN! EMMA!" I yelled. My life was over.

"Done. Now we have more to do." Rumple said and they disappeared with magic.

I fall in the floor and I ran to her. I grabbed her head with eyes closed. "No... Emma. Come back to me. I'm here. I know you're there. Emma. Please I can't live without you. You're everything I am" she didn't wake up.

David ran to us crying. "Maybe a true love's kiss?" he suggested.

"It's impossible. The true love's kiss can break any curse. But she isn't with any curse. He crushed her heart. There's nothing you can do." Regina said hugging Henry.

Snow couldn't even look to her. She was crying lakes. My heart broke in million pieces.

"There must be a way. She is the savior!"David couldn't believe she died.

I gave her little parties on her face. Trying to remember her smile. I just lost my wife and my daughter. I was so sure it was a girl.

"I crushed many hearts. Including my dad's one. If I could bring him to life I would have done it."

I couldn't stop looking at her. So that was our real last kiss.

"Help me taking her to the truck." David said. I nodded with tears. I just wanted a last goodbye. I loved her so much. No... This isn't happening. Now I'm going to wake up. It's just a nightmare. Woah! "Wait..." I said to David.

"Snow!" she come. "You! You share your heart with David right?" I asked full of hope.

"YES! That's it! Oh my goodness! Killian amazing idea!" David said.

"There's a little problem. Only true love can do that." Regina said.

I'm sure we have true love. "There's only one way to find out so now do it." I said.

I got up. I closed my eyes to endure the pain. She ripped it. Then she did a bloody thing with my heart. I could feel all the pain. And then she put my half in her chest. She put the other half in mine. And nothing happened. "No.... " I started crying even more next to her. I pulled her body on me and I gave her little parties in the face. "I'm sorry Emma. I didn't save you. I thought we had true love. I'm so sorry. I love you Emma... I really do." I whispered to her ear.

Suddenly I heard a breath. I looked at Emma she was dizzy trying to open her eyes. I smiled the biggest smile ever. "Emma?" I whispered.

"Am I dead?"

I kissed her hard.

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