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"I'm so tired. This day was so intense." I said trying to not fall asleep.

"Go rest. Don't worry with the dinner. We can call you when it's done." my dad said.

She went to the bedroom with me. I got my sweat to sleep and shorts. She laid on the bed. "I have a feel that it's a girl." she said. I knew it.

"Really?" I said laying on the bed too.

"Yeah... Well I don't know... Maybe I just wanted so much a girl so I have this feel." she admited!

"I would love to have a girl too, you know? Because whenever I look at her, I'll see you, Emma."

She kissed me slowly. She closed her beautiful eyes. "Emma! Killian!!! Dinner!!" I heard Snow's voice interrupting our kiss.


I woke up with the alarm clock. It was 10am. Time to go with my mom to fill out paperwork. I got dressed. Killian was sleeping so I went alone. He needs to rest too after all he has been through. Neal stayed with my dad and we went.

While my mom was printing the papers "so how are you and Killian going?"

"It couldn't be better mom..." and I smiled. "He makes you so happy. I couldn't be happier Emma." she said.

"If I'm gonna be the princess, so he is going to be the-" I started but my mom interrupted "prince. Yes. I think he will be a wonderful prince just like you will be a perfect princess." I laughed. If they think I'm going to use princess dresses, they are really wrong.

"Now sign here... and here... and put the date here."

I did what she said. "I have the money here" I said grabbing it. "No! Think this like a pre-birthday present." my birthday...

"Mom I don't want any presents. And please my birthday!?" and I gave her the money.

"Emma, we will give you the house. Like a birthday present! We want to compensate you all these missed birthdays you had! We just want to help you with your life steps."

"Life steps? You know?! I bought my own house, my all life by myself! Every year hopping you guys were appearing to get me but no! Every birthday crying but still with hope that you guys were remembering me! But no! My heart broke everyday knowing you didn't appear and I lived my own life alone and now you just want to give me money to compensate me?!"

I dressed my jacket. She grabbed my arm.


"See you home." I said and I went outside.

I tried to wipe my tears when I just saw Killian in my front. He was probably on his way to the office. "Morning, love." he said grabbing me.

I tried to cover my face "Swan? Are you crying?! Emma. Tell me what happened." I tried to keep walking but he was grabbing me. "Nothing." "Swan! You need to stop saving everything inside you. We are together now. I'm here for everything. I'm here to help you." he said. I started crying even more.

I kissed him. It was the only thing I wanted to do right now. Forget everything around me.

"I just hate when someone touch my past. When someone talks about it. I know they love me. But... I discussed with my mother when we were in the office... She wanted to buy the house for me like a pre-birthday present to compensate all the years that they weren't there."

"Swan... You know they love you. They just want your best. I know it's unfair what happened to you but it wasn't their fault too."

Exactly that moment I turned back and I ran to the office. Killian came after me.

I saw my mom crying and calling to someone. "I know David... We failed. Our daughter is already old and there's no way to go back. She's right. All this birthdays she spent alone and now-"

She was calling to my dad. I started crying even more so I interrupted her "mom..."

"Emma! I didn't mean it! You know we love y-"

"I'm so sorry!" and I hugged her. "I was unfair. It's not your fault. I can't just blame you. You are amazing parents. I just remembered how it was all the years alone and I got angry I'm so so sorry mom."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too." and she kissed my forehead. "I'll accept the birthday present."

Killian was at the door looking at us and smiling almost crying. He came to me and hugged me. "It's okay Swan. It's okay."

My mom wiped her tears. "So let's do this. I need your sign again here. And it's done." and I signed. "The house is yours now." she said with a smile. I looked at Killian. He was so happy.

We went home. "Emma!" my dad yelled.

"We understand you Emma. We love you. We all in this house love you. You know it right?" he said hugging me. "Yeah I know. I'm sorry." I looked at Killian. I didn't want to start crying again. Neal started crying. My dad kissed my forehead. I smiled and he went to Neal.

"They really love your forehead, don't they?" Killian said and we both started laughing. He grabbed my waist. And I kissed him. "Let's start packing everything."

I went to my bedroom alone. I sat on the floor and I opened a little box with my only childhood memories. I saw it for a last time. There was a ring I won when I once was happy with Ingrid. My teenager glasses. I started crying. A pic of me and Neal.

The door opened. I wiped my tears and I didn't turn back. "Love I was thinking and we can use your daddy's truck to get all these there." Killian's voice.

"Ye-Yeah... Okay. G-Good idea." I tried to talk without he notice I was crying. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. "Love?" he sat next to me. He took the box and he put it somewhere. On my other hand I was grabbing my pic with Neal. A tear came. He was looking to the pic.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. "I don't love Neal anymore. But remembering everything we had makes me cry. Knowing Henry doesn't have a dad." I continued.

He hugged me harder. "You can cry, Emma." he whispered. I hugged him back crying even more. We stayed there like 5 minutes. I finally stopped crying. I got up and I grabbed the box. He got up too wondering what I was doing.

I put the pic in the box. With magic, I made fire and I burnt the box with all inside.

He came to me slowly. He wiped my tears. "I won't need that anymore." and he kissed me slowly. That was probably the longest kiss we had. My forehead on his "I love you Emma" I kissed him hard. He grabbed my back. I took out his shirt. He grabbed my neck and we laid on the bed. "Your family-" he started. "I don't care. I want you." I needed to feel him. I needed to feel he was right here for me. And he was. I felt his abdominal. He took out my shirt slowly.

He stared me. "Why are you staring me?" I asked laughing. All his eyes have a reason.

"You're so beautiful." he whispered. He kissed me and put my head on his chest. My fingers were tangled with his chest hair.

"I wonder what happened to Rumple..." I said. "We didn't see him anymore after I almost die."

"Don't worry, love. Nothing happened and that's the important." I smiled. He had his arms around me.

"We have to pack everything. If we pack it today, tomorrow we can go to the new house."

"Let's just enjoy this moment and tomorrow we wake up earlier." he said kissing me.

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