A Night full of Thoughts

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What should I wear to this date?
I take the best costume I have and I go downstairs. I see Emma grabbing her phone.

"Regina... I heard the news!" She says with a big smile. What news? "Henry told me... Congratulations I'm so happy for you two!!" She saw me and smiled.
"What news?" I whispered to her.
"Yeah at 8pm you can take Henry." She kept talking ignoring me. I grab her waist and I pull her to me.
She smiles.
"I don't wanna talk about it, Regina... My parents and I need to solve this problem... I'm tired of lies. But I don't wanna be upset now." She says and her smile fades a little.

I hug her. I know what they're talking about. Snow and Charming.
She hugs me back with her free hand and the other one is grabbing the phone.
"I'm sure if you guys talk, it will be okay. I know you're mother and I know she regrets it." I can hear now Regina's voice since I'm hugging Swan.
"Yeah it will be fine... I have to hang up now... Congratulations again, Regina."
"Thank you. This is the best that could happen to us now." This? What? What happened?
I pull away from the hug.

They say goodbye and finally I ask Emma what news were they talking about.
"Regina's pregnant."
"Whoah..." I land my hands on her cheeks "that's amazing!"
"She's really happy." She smiles.
Then there's a big silence with our eyes meeting.
"What are you thinking on?" She says breaking the moment.

"I can't lose you."
"You won't." She says and I kiss her.
She opens her mouth and I can feel her tasty lips and tongue again. I don't wanna lose this. Ever.
"You should get ready for tonight, love. I'll call Granny to take Hope." I say and she smiles.
"Okay" she whispers giving me a quick kiss on my cheek.
I go to our bedroom where Hope is still sleeping. I give her breakfast and we go outside to play in the big garden.
She falls every time she tries to sit alone and starts laughing. I sit her on my lap and I reach my phone.
"Yes we're ready to go. Can you take her now, Granny?"
"For sure. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"Thank you."
I hang up and I see a shadow.
I turn around and I see... Ursula.

"What do you want now?!" I say turning back to Hope.
"My father told me what you did." She says.
"I wanted to thank you. Maybe you did change."
"It was the right thing to do." I say never looking at her.
"I'm leaving Rumple. And Cruella and Maleficent. I finally found my happy ending. With my father."
I turn around. "I'm glad you finally realized that." I smile at her.
Suddenly I see Emma coming with a beautiful white gown.
"Ursula... Is everything okay?" She says confused.
"Aye, love." I get up with Hope in my arms. "She just came to thank us."
"So I should go... Thank you again. You made me realize I don't need a stupid author to get my happy ending." She said.
We both smiled.
As we said goodbye, she left and soon Granny came to pick Hope.
Regina would come around 8pm to pick Henry and we could be going to the lake already.

We brought a small picnic blanket and food.
The sun was now touching the horizon and the sky was pink.
As we prepared everything on the grass, she sat and her beautiful and soft gown laid on the floor too.
There was a big tree next to her so I sat there with my back against it.
"Hungry?" I said.
"A lot." She smiled.
"Okay I only brought sandwiches and juice. And wine for later" I did the eyebrow thing. Tonight was going to be a big night.


I took a sandwich and I laid my head on his lap.
"When did you fall in love with me?" I said suddenly.
I took a bite on my sandwich. He looked at me.
"It wasn't an exact moment... I guess it was slowly... But when I saw you, you definetly changed something in me. Probably because you were by far the hottest and most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He smirked. "You were strong. Inside. But then at the beanstalk, I saw the real you. You wanted to show everyone you were strong but the truth was... You were suffering too." He says and carresed my cheeks.
I smiled.
"You're probably the only one who can see me inside." I said.
He smiled to me. And then he did the eyebrow again. "Not in that way." I laughed.
Dirty mind.
"When did you fall in love with me?" Now's my turn.
"I.... I don't know... I never thought about it..." I said.
A big silence came so I decided to think which moment made me fall in love with him.
"The neverland kiss was... Something. I felt something and I... I wasn't sure. I decided to try, so I kissed you..."
"Why did you run away after it?"
"I was scared of falling in love again."
He smiled and brushed my hair with his fingers.
"But the exact moment I realized I didn't need to be scared... Was when we traveled in time. You made me feel safe even in all those problems. And when we danced in that ball? When you picked my hand to dance? I looked at you. And I thought everything during that waltz."
He took the wine bottle of the bag and two glasses.
He poured it into them as I sat.
"Cheers to us."
"To us."
And we took a sip.

•srry for my bad english but it's midnight here and I just wrote all this rn because I forgot today I was updating so yeah sorry for updating late

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