The Author

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Henry came with Hope in his arms into the dining room where Emma and I were having breakfast.

"Hey kid" Emma said with a smile as she saw him.

"I woke up with Hope's cries." He said.

"Sorry mate, we didn't hear her." I say and Emma picks Hope in her arms.

"It's okay... Where are the pancakes??"

"We left some for you here, kid." Emma said getting up and taking a plate with a pancake and half.

"Whoah thank you." He said with sarcasm.

"Your welcome." Emma says and leaves the room with Hope to feed her.

"How's she?" Henry says right after Emma leaves.

"She's fine now. At least she will be."

"You know... I understand her side... Of killing Cruella... I'd probably do the same with my children." He says like an adult.

I might not be his father. But he's like a little brother for me. The brother I once had.
"Yeah me too, mate."

He takes a big bite on the pancake.

"I need your help." I say. I'm gonna tell him.
"August told us about a page from your book... One with a door? He said the author of the book was inside that door."

"But we already have our happy endings... I mean... Without these villains stuff but- Getting out the author of there would only make Rumple or Maleficent get their happy endings, and with that, our unhappy endings." Smart kid. But I have my reasons.

"Yeah I know but you know you're mother is suffering. With all this. From her parents keeping a secret to villains always coming and ruining our lives. Maybe... He could help us. He could stop with these bloody villains always appearing. There's always something wrong, we can't just have a bloody normal life!"

"There's more than that, isn't there?" He says taking a sip of his hot cocoa with cinnamon.

"I just want Emma's happiness."

"Killian, she's happy with us. With you and me and Hope and one day with grandpa and grandma too."

"Don't you just think she's different?" I say suddenly letting all my thoughts out.
I feel like I can trust him and he can help me.

"You mean with the darkest things she has been doing lately? Of course I noticed that... But I don't think she's going dark... She isn't, right?"

"I hope not... But still..." Emma going dark? Could it be?
Henry seemed worried and scared.

"Hey. I know your mother. I know who she truly is. And I won't give up on her with dark heart or not."
"I'm glad to hear that." Henry finished his pancakes.
"Want more pancakes? I can make more."
"If you don't mind..." How can this little body eat so much? Bloody hell.

I took the pan to cook another pancake.

"I'm just glad she has you." Henry suddenly said without looking at me.

I moan still looking to the pancakes. "I can't imagine what would happen to her... Now she doesn't accept grandpa's help so she would be alone."

"She would have you, lad." I say turning around with a plate full of pancakes.

"But I can't do anything to help."

I was about to reply him but in that moment, Emma gets in the room with Hope.

She looks at us "Is everything okay?" she says.

"Yeah. Sure." I say hugging her and Hope.

Upon her shoulder, I see Henry eating his pancakes and I call him with my hands.

He comes and hugs us. We're a family now.


"Love I'm going for a walk with Henry, is that okay?" he turns to me and says.

It's so good to see how much they like each other.

Henry doesn't have a biological father. But Killian for sure loves him as much as he loves Hope.

"Sure. Careful" I say and he places a kiss on my cheek. "Have fun, kid." I say to Henry and they leave.

I take Hope of her baby chair. She smiles at me.

"Today's gonna be just you and me, girl."

I look at her. Did she just say what she just said?

Hope's first word was Papa.

"Papa went for a hike with your brother, baby."

"Papa Papa Papa"
"Yes, Papa will be back soon."


"How are things going with your princess?"

"Paige is... amazing. It couldn't be better." Henry says picking a red rose he saw in our way to the lake.

"I'm glad to hear that, lad."

When we finally reach the lake we sit on the grass. The storybook is in Henry's lap.

"Ready?" Henry says grabbing a small key he had found when he was at Regina's.

He places the key in the door and there's a light. Suddenly the book falls on the floor and a man is right in front of us.

We both get up.
"We have a lot to talk, mate" I say.

The man gets up and reveals himself to be an old hairless man.

"I bet you do." he says and starts running into the woods.

"Henry stay here!" I scream and I start running after him but it's too late.

I can't see him anymore.


"August... what the hell are you doing in here?"

August appeared in front of the palace's door, this time better dressed than the first time.

"I just came to see if you were okay." he said.

"Well... I am."

He looked at me without knowing what to say.
"Is Killian here?"

"He went for a hike with Henry..."
"Good. That's.... good... So... I should go. I was just worried because of that turning-you-dark thing." he paused. "But I see you're perfectly kind as always." he smiled.

"Well... I.... I'm afraid something is happening to me." I decide to tell him what I'm feeling. He's my friend, I can trust him. "Why don't you come in?"

We walk toward the living room.
Anastasia brings us two cups of coffee. Hope is on the floor playing with her toys. And we sit on the couch.

"I killed Cruella." I say. It sounds even more horrible when I say it loud.

Kill is such a heavy word. It's strong. Heartbreaking.

"You did what?!"
"You heard it right." I say landing my hands on my lap.
He takes one of my hands.
What is he doing? We... We are friends.
Just friends. I love Killian.
Maybe is just comforting me. That's what friends do, right? Yeah I'm not used to this.
My hand stays still.

"You're not dark because you killed a person, Emma. She was a villain and she deserves all that. I know you, Emma. You're kind, lovely, friendly, beautiful."
"Oh ah... Thank you."

I feel him staring me. I look at him. "What?" I say.
He smiles.

Suddenly in seconds, I feel a hand on my head pushing it against his and our lips touch.
I put a hand on his arm pulling him away with all my anger.
"What the hell are you doing??!!" I scream out of breath.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now