The Curse

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"The dark one... Isn't the easiest person to defeat. And now he made 4 new friends. The queens of darkness. Ursula, Maleficent and Cruella are here with him." she explained.

"You said 4 friends, who's the 4th friend?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"The storybook's author. The one who wrote all our stories." Bloody hell. I can't even breathe. "That's how they are in town. This purple thing, it's a temporary thing. Somehow Rumple made the author change his mind and made him change the story. This purple thing is something the author made. It's like a sub-spell, a spell after other spell. But it's temporary, because it isn't too strong." she explained. Too much confusion.

"So when that sub-spell comes out, they won't can be here in town right?" David asked.

"Yes, but the problem is that we don't know how long this spell will resist. And we don't know what Rumple is planning. Why does he want so much to come to Storybrooke again? There must be a reason." she's right.

We are all done.

"How do you know all these things?" I asked.

"Before Emma break the curse, I put many listens in all the town. Because if someone just started remembering their real identity I would know it and probably kill that person, like Graham." Graham. I didn't know his story. I know he's one of Emma's loves. So it was Regina who killed him. I looked at her with a mean face.

"Don't blame me. I was that monster. I'm not that person anymore!" said Regina.

"So I remembered that and after 4 hours trying to hear them I finally heard Rumple talking to Cruella. What I don't get is who is the author." she continued.


"So any news?" I started. "Well, actually..." he wanted to talk something with me. I looked at him. He is so old. Puberty changed him a lot. "I met a girl. She is really nice! I met her when we were at Granny's after all that Killian's heart thing. And... I think I love her. Maybe more than a friend." I looked at him. It's so cute! I hugged him. "Ow kid! That's so good! It's normal, you know... Did you tell her?"

"Well... No... I'm scared. She is so pretty and- I don't know..."

"Henry. The worst feeling is never knowing if she loves you. You have to accept your feels and don't give up! Try!" he looked at me. He doesn't seem so excited as me. "Henry I know I am not a perfect mother. I lost 10 years of your life. I know it's terrible. But I'm here now and we are together. I'm gonna help you..." I continued.

"Thanks mom." he said and hugged me. My eyes were watered and his too. I miss my son.


"So the only ways is running away? To where?" David asked.

"Well that's easiest part. We just have to choose a plac-" Regina answered him but she was interrupted by David thinking out loud "The Enchanted Forest!"

Regina and I looked to him. "Guys, it's the only place we know well. It's only place where we all lived!" he explained.

After a silence, "I think the prince is right." said Regina. Prince.... David was a prince in the Enchanted Forest... Which makes Emma the next princess. "I'm not sure Emma will like this idea." I commented. I really would love to go back to the Enchanted Forest. But not as a pirate anymore.

"Why wouldn-" David started but I interrupted him because the answer was obvious "because she will be the princess, mate."

"Well... It's the only solution. We have to leave this world now." Regina said.

"But... How?" David asked. Good question.

"I'll find that out tonight. I'll try to find something with my spells book. There must be something." Regina said and we went home.

Emma was sleeping on the couch. Snow was preparing the dinner and Henry was with Neal.

David greeted Snow and Emma woke up with the noise. I went to her.

"Hey love. You okay?"

"Yeah I am. I just fell asleep. Any news?" she asked. Bloody hell.

"Well... There are some news... We all need to talk."

She looked at me with a scared face. I helped her getting up and we all sat at the kitchen's table.

"Rumple isn't alone. He is with Cruella, Malleficent and who's the other one? I can't rememb-" David started. "Ursula. Oh and the author" I remembered him her name. Ursula. Long past.

"What the hell?! They exist too?!" Emma yelled.


Can this get worse?

"They are here thanks to a deal with the author. They will be here temporary. We don't know how much time but we need to get out of this town." Killian said. What?! They must be kidding.

"Whoa-What?!" I yelled. My mom was frozen. Her surprised face just like mine. Wow.

"Rumple is planning something. We don't know what. We have to be safe. We are going to another place. We and all these people here in town." my dad explained.

"Another place? Wh-Where exactly?" my mom asked.

"We were thinking on the Enchated Forest." okay now I just froze. "It's a place we know well and we already lived there. We are the kings of that kingdom. It's easier than go to another place we don't know." my dad just explained. Killian was looking at me. To see my reaction. Well here it is.

A scared face. "B-But we-we can defeat them! We already won all these villains why don't we just tr-try. I'm no-not underst-" I couldn't even talk. I need to breathe. I just can't leave this town! My whole life have been here! I just can't!

"We can't take that risk. This time they are too powerfull. And you're pregnant!" David said trying to calm me down. Hook grabbed my hand.

"Why are you guys just giving up?! We never give up! You just want to go to the Enchanted Forest but you know what? I'm not going. I'm gonna fight! I'm not gonna leave this world where I spent all my life."

They were all looking at me with a worried face.

"You know what? I need to get some air. I-I'll be back." I said while I was wearing my jacket. "Swan... Emma. This is just a plan! We can think more about this-" he grabbed my arm "Please! Like you understand? Let me go!" I yelled crying. Hook looked hurt emotionally. I closed the door.


"The curse is ready." said a male voice.

"What's next?" asked Ursula.

"We're almost there. Savior's death and then we will win this." I said with enthusiasm. With no savior, our curse won't be broken ever.

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