The Shadow

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*Sorry guys for taking so long to update this. I just had a week full of school works and tests and UGH I HATE THIS but well it's friday and I can finally get in my favourite side of life - FANGIRLLL*


"Swan look at me."

We finally were at home but how my Swan was feeling right now, was killing me inside.

She ignored me.

She was laying on our bed, with her pyjamas already on, turned to the wall and hugging her pillow as tears were falling from her red eyes.

"Are you going to talk to me?" I whisper. No answers. Only her cries and the silence.

The palace was quiet. The lad and Hope were already asleep.

She won't talk to me.

But I wanna comfort her. That's why I'm here for.

I lay on the bed next to her and I cover myself with the sheets. I turn off the "table lamp" as they call it and I turn to Emma's side and I watch her back. I slip myself toward her.

It's dark in the room but I still can see her with the moon's light coming from the window.

I finally feel her back against my chest. I place my arm upon her and I land my hand on hers intertwining my fingers with hers.

She turned around not looking at me and placed her head on my chest. Hugging me like a pillow. I laid my hands on her hair, brushing it with my fingers as I fell asleep. Our fingers.... still intertwinned.


I wake up. It wasn't morning yet.

Killian is asleep.

Then I remember everything that happened yesterday.

I killed. I killed Cruella. How am I supposed to feel?

She was trying to kill my daughter. My daughter.

She was asking for it.

But she's a human. She deserves a second chance too. And now? No one can give her one. Because of me.

I can't sleep. I get up and I go outside, with my sleeping gown. It's chilly here. At least that's an emotion I can feel right now without being pain and guilt.

I see a shadow at the end of the way to the big royal garden.

I follow it. But then it fades. "Who are you?" I say.

I see the shadow again on my right side. "Your worst side."


There are lots of voices, repeating the same words such as worst, you, dark and Emma.

Everything fades, the trees, the flowers, the grass, the scrub, the sky, the sea at the horizon, even the palace. Everything is black now.
I try to find a way out. But nothing.

The shadow comes closer to me and my breath turns heavy.

I finally can see her face. It reveals to be me. My other side. She's with a slick dark dress.

"I kill." she says millimeters away from my face.

I start hearing those words I kill in my head over and over again. Each time louder. Until I hear other words.

"Swan wake up! Swan!!! Swan!" I hear as I feel my body shaking everywhere.
I open my eyes to a worried Killian looking at me.
"Are you okay?!" he says out of breath.

I feel my cheeks wet. I had tears on my cheeks.
Killian laid my hands around me, pulling me to sit up and he hugged me.

I'm trying to say something but the words can't just slip out of my mouth.

"Say something, love." he grabs me and sits me on his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder and I can smell his neck. I love his smell. He squeezed me so much. I felt so protected.
The silence was intimidating.

Still on his lap, I looked up and I saw him looking at me. I touched his cheek with my hand and he squeezed more. Sometimes we don't need words.

"I was in the garden." I suddenly say. He grabs my hand. "There was a shadow. Me." I take a deep breath. "She was miserable. I was miserable. I was dark..."
He lands his hand on my wet cheeks and he kissed my lips. Slowly and softly. Emotional and Passionate.
"I'm right here." he whispered to my ear. I placed my head next to his. Our cheeks were touching.

And then something just broke me inside: I felt a one single tear falling on his cheek.
He automatically wiped it trying to hide.
He didn't want me to see his suffering.

"You know you can cry." I say as I look at him. I've never seen his eyes like this. They are all watered.
He closes his eyes and many tears fall under his eyelashes.
I touch his hair and I pull him to my shoulder hugging him.
I start laughing with tears remembering how he used to try to kill each other when we first met.

He pulls away and looks at me wondering why the hell would I be laughing.
"I don't wanna think about this anymore. C'mon let's go downstairs."
I wip his tears and he kisses me.

*Happy chapters aheaddd
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