Last Night

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*Still not over of last night's episode guys omg. Emma crying broke my heart. And omg the promos... "I'm your mother" "I don't care" omg omg omg :o and OMFG EMMA SLEEPING ON KILLIAN'S SHOULDER!!! Guys I'm not okay.*


We went to our bedroom. "Wait... Hope. I need to see Hope and Henry." I said.

"Swan they are okay. You're drunk."

Suck. My life sucks. 

"So now you tell me what to do? Why would I do what you say?! I want to see my son! My daughter!"

"Tomorrow, love." he said putting me in the bed.

Maybe tomorrow... maybe... only maybeeeee.

He gave me a sleep gown. He started undressing me.

"No no no no! I don't want you to see me naked!!!!!!"

"Believe me, love. I already did." he laughed.


He dressed me the sleep gown and laid me on the bed and covered me with all the blankets. I stayed in silence all the time.

"I love you."

I looked to him surprised. I love him too.

He got out of the room.

Yeah maybe I can sleep now.

Woahhhh I just realized if I hide a finger, it looks like I have 4 fingers.


"Thank you for taking care of Hope when Snow went home." I said to Henry.

"It's okay. How's mom?"

"She.... She's... drunk. We all do mistakes, mate. Don't worry... she'll be okay tomorrow." 

"Why would she get drunk like that?" he asked... now what do I say? Sorry we are hiding a secret from her because she has the potential for great darkness?

"No clue... Tomorrow we talk to her. Now go to sleep. It's late."

I brought Hope to our room and I laid her on her crib right next to our bed. Emma was already sleeping.


I woke up.

Hum? I don't remember of falling asleep. Where's Killian? I got up. Oh shit! My head hurts like hell.

Hope wasn't on her crib either.

I went downstairs and I heard laughs. Henry and Killian. They were in the kitchen talking and laughing.

"Morning?" I said really confused.

What the hell is happening? I was just mad with my mom because of some secret and now I just woke up.

"Mom?!" Henry ran to me and hugged me.

"Hey kid... What's going on?"

Killian came to me. "You okay, love?"

What happened last night?!

"I was drunk last night, wasn't I?" I said.

They both looked to me afraid of answering.

"Henry, please go upstairs." I said. He looked to me and smiled. And he ran upstairs.

"Yes you were drunk. And it was our fault. And I'm sorry for that." he said.

I looked to him.


She sat on the bunch so I continued. "You went to Cannery and... You started drinking... And you made a new friend..." I told her. I prepared her a coffee but while that, I kept talking "Ursula came to you. You were so drunk and you believed everything she said and she turned you against us. But luckily, I finally found you and I brought you home. Well... After some little complications but that's the matter."

She stared me. She couldn't talk. She didn't know what words to use.

"I'm sorry. And thank you." she said.

"It was our fault. We were hiding something back and we hurt you. Emotionally." I came to her and I grabbed her arms. "I'm glad you're okay. You scared me. She almost killed you... Just in my front."

She looked to my eyes. I gave her the cup of coffee and she hugged me really hard.

"I'm a stupid girl..." I heard her saying to my ear.

"We all do mistakes, love. Don't blame yourself."

Her arms on my shoulders and her lips on my neck, kissing me softly... She's safe now.

"About the secret..." I said after a big silence. "I really don't want to lie to you, Swan. But I just cannot tell you... It's not my secret. It's your parents'. I'm sorry-" I told her but she interrupted me with a kiss.

"I love you." she said and everything got better.

We stayed there for minutes. Just forgeting all the trouble outside and all the secrets.

"I love you too." I whispered.

While she drank her coffee she asked me some questions about how she almost died.

"She was only teasing me, love."

She looked to my eyes. "I know you had a past with her... But whatever happened between you two, you can tell me. It won't change anything between us."

"That's quite a lot of faith you're putting on me, Swan."

She looked down. "I know... But if there's one thing my parents taught me is to choose to see the best in people."

I felt her hands on mine. "And I'm gonna choose to see the best in you."

That made me feel good. Those words coming from her, made me feel much better.

"And I with you." I said. Even if you have the darkest heart of the world.


"How do we tell her?" 

"Hey... Don't worry. She's our daughter. We will know how to react." he said.

"She must hate us..."

He laid both hands on my shoulders. "We all do mistakes. She's hurt. But she'll understand when we tell her."

The carriage stopped. We arrived.

We walked to the palace's door.

"Snow White and Prince Charming. We came to see our daughter, please." David said.

I was carrying Neal.

After a few moments, the door opened.

We saw Emma with Hope in her arms and Killian next to her. I looked to Emma, she looked down.

"Emma-" I started but Killian interrupted me.

"Come in."

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now