Temporary Home

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I woke up with an amazing smell of scramble eggs. Emma wasn't in bed. So I got up and I saw her in the kitchen carrying Neal. She was giving him his breakfast. She is a perfect mother. I don't know how to be a father.

She saw me. "Hey Neal! Look who's awake! Yes!" she went to me and kissed me. "Morning love." I said.

And then for my surprise, "can you just please grab him for a while. I need to cook the eggs." she asked. "Swan, I don't think it's a good idea-"

"Hey. You can do this. You'll be a dad." she said to me putting Neal in my arms. I was so scared of dropping him. But then I got used to it. His little face smiling to me.


"He will be an amazing daddy." I heard a female voice. It was my mom. "What?" I was too distracted with the eggs. "Look... He will be an amazing father." and then I looked to him sat on the couch toying with Neal. "Yeah I know." and I looked to my mom. She smiled to me and I smiled back.

I went to them. "Let's eat the breakfast." he smiled. I took Neal. "See? It wasn't that hard." I teased him. "Can't wait for this here get out of your belly." he said grabbing my belly. I smiled.

We all ate. "Kid get dressed. We're going to your mom's house." I said to Henry.

"I'm going too? Cool." he said and disappeared.

I got dressed too. Then I felt dizzy and I threw up. Today is one of those days.

I brushed my teeth when Killian got in the room. He got dressed too. I decided to not tell him that I was threwing up. It only will worry him.

"You know... You're an amazing father. The way you stayed with Neal... You're a natural too. You don't have to worry." I said to him. He dressed his sweat. "I only stayed with a baby during 5 minutes Swan. I'll have this baby to take care of during all my life." he said.

"Well... You have me." I said and he kissed me. He pulled my body next to his.

"Let's go, love." he said interrupting the moment. That's exactly why I am so tired of this. I want to let my life go. I want to have a child. And not with a villain outside. Not with preoccupations.

We all went her house.

"Good news!" Regina said opening the door. We all smiled.


"So I was trying to find something that we could use. I read the curse's book and-" and she gave the book to Emma for she can read.

"Forces are nothing when you have a cursed town. All the magic used to create the curse can be reused. From spells to portals, all is possible." she read. We found it!

"So... That means if we use-" and then someone knocked the door interrupting David's conclusion. "I'll go." Emma said going to the door.

"Guys?..." Emma appeared with someone after her. I tried to see who was. Robin and his child Roland. No signal of Marian.

"Robin?!" Regina said surprised and she went to him. They hugged. Emma was happy to see them together again. I grabbed her hand. And she sat next to me. I put my arm around her. She smiled. "I'm happy they're together again." she whispered.

Regina was crying of happiness. She hugged Roland. "Why are you here? Where's Marian?!" she asked.

"There was a curse that brought magic everwhere. Even New York. Where we were. Marian started freezing and she froze. She-She's not coming anymore." Robin said with watered eyes. Regina couldn't stop looking at him. "We saw the purple thing disappearing. That's how he entered in Storybrooke. The curse broke the spell." Regina explained. Now all makes sense. They kissed. "You are with us now." Emma said with a smile. I grabbed her harder. "Thank you so much." Robin said. "So like I was saying... We have to destroy the town so we can make the portal." David continued.

"Exactly. Emma I'll need your help." Regina said.

"Let's tell this to everyone in town while you two are preparing the portal." Snow said.

"Killian stay with Emma just in case if something happens." David whispered to me. "With all my pleasure." he smiled and they all went.

"Go kid. We'll be together soon. Now help your grandparents." Emma said to Henry and kissed his forehead. They all went.

Emma got up and she was reading the book.

I grabbed her waist "what are you doing love?" I asked. "Trying to know more how to do this portal." I kissed her cheek. She smiled. "You can do it." I said.

Robin and Regina were talking alone upstairs.

"Hey mate. How was in New York?" I asked to Roland. "It was so cool! Mamma and daddy bought me lots of ice cream. My favourite is rocky road!" he said. Then I had a idea.

"You know what? I think Regina has rocky road ice cream in her fridge!" and I went with him to the kitchen. Emma smiled to me.


He is so cute with kids. I went to the kitchen with them. "Want some, love?" he asked me grabbing a packet of ice cream. "Why not?" and we went to the couch. Roland was watching cartoons and eating his ice cream. Killian kissed my cheek. "Your lips are cold!!!" I yelled. "Oh are they?" and he started kissing me. I couldn't stop laughing.

When we looked to Roland, he was sleeping. "I'll take him to bed." he said picking him with his arms. "Thanks" and I smiled.

Regina and Robin appeared. "Where's Roland?" Robin asked. "Oh... He fell asleep. He's in bed now." I said. Then Killian appeared. "Thank you so much." Robin said to us. "Not a problem."

So we started working. Regina explained me how to make this portal work. "So all what we need is the person who created the town, me, and the person who broke the curse, the savior. You. We only have to go to the well, where the magic is more powerfull, and then we cast this spell."

"We? I'm doing it too?" I asked.

"Of course. You have to. It's what the spell says."

Killian looked to me with a "you can do it, love" face. "And then we have to wait a month." Regina said and I ghasped. "What?! A month? We can't wait a month."

"We are only two with magic. The town will disappear slowly. I think 1 month is enough."

She explained. A month? But Rumple...

"We can wait a month. We can do a protection spell or something and everything will be okay." Killian said. I smiled and someone knocked the door. It was my parents and Henry. "Now all the town knows. Any news?" my mom asked.

"We will cast the spell tomorrow. And then we have to wait a month to all the town disappears." I explained. "A month?!" my dad yelled.

"Yeah I know mate. But we can use lots of protection spells and we will survive this month." Killian said.

"Okay so tomorrow, 12am at the well?"

"Sure, Regina."

We went all home. Robin stayed there because Roland is sleeping in Henry's room. They're probably spending the night together.

"Killian? Can we have a talk?" I called him.

"Sure, love. What's up?"

"What do you think if we get our own place during this month? Just a temporary one... Then we can have one in the Enchanted Fo-" and he interrupted me with a kiss. I grabbed his back. He opened his mouth slowly. His tongue doesn't taste like rum anymore. Now it just tastes... I don't know... Like him?

We stopped kissing. I smiled and he smiled back. "I get lost everytime I look to your perfect eyes you know?" he said and I gave him a slowly quick kiss. And then I just realized my mom was waiting for us. We went home.

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