Telling the Truth

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In a big silence and embarrassment, we sat on the couches in the living room. 

"Emma, I'm your mother, I know-" Snow tried again but clearly today's is not a lucky day to her.

"I don't care." Emma said.

She clearly said it without thinking. Those words clearly broke Snow inside.

"I want to know right now what's going on." Emma continued.

Snow took a deep breath.

"Long time ago..." David started "Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula, came to us and they warned us about Regina's curse." I took Emma's hand. "They told us about a magical tree in the forest. The tree of Wisdom. A tree that would answer any question asked of it and it would only answer with 2 heroes."

"So they came to you because they needed you two to unlock the tree?" Emma asked.

Snow nodded.

"We went with them... but we ran to the tree before them because we didn't trust them. We asked to the tree how to stop the curse... but the tree refused us."

Emma squeezed my hand. Henry appeared at the door.

"Hey grandpas are here? Why didn't you call me?" he said.

I got up with Hope in my arms and I went to him.

"Henry... your mother and her parents are solving a problem-"

"It's okay. I understand. Can I take Hope with me to my bedroom?"

"Can you take Neal too?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I know I'm asking too much but it's really important."

"Okay, fine..."

I nodded. "Thank you mate."

"No problem."

I came back to the couch. "Is he okay?" Emma whispered. I nodded and we returned to the conversation.

Emma took my hand.

"The tree refused us... because I was pregnant." Snow continued. "Of you, Emma."

"Why would the tree refuse? Because you counted as 3 people?" Emma asked. 

It was now. The moment she would find the truth. I squeezed her hand and I stared her.

"No... Emma..." Snow said with watered eyes. "Because you have the potential for great darkness."

And a tear slipped Snow's face.

Emma tried to breath. Her scared face with watered eyes couldn't believe. "What?!" she whispered.

"We didn't want to tell you because we were afraid if you knew it, you could turn evil. We did everything to make you grow up without darkness."

Emma stared the floor with many tears on her face.

"I'm sorry..." Snow whispered.

Emma, without words, got up and left the room.

"Emma..." David tried to call her but she ignored him.

A tear came to David's face an he hugged Snow to comfort her.

"I'll talk to her" I said and I left the room after her.

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