Cannery's Bar

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"Swan..." I tried to calm her down.

"Are you guys gonna tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Emma this is for your good." David said.

She was mad. Really mad. Almost crying.

"I don't really understand..." she whispered and she went away.

"Swan..." I called her and I grabbed her arm.

"Where are the kids?" she asked.

"Swan we can talk better about thi-"

"Where are the kids?" she insisted.

"They are in Henry's bedroom." I said.

She turned around and she run to there.

"We cannot tell her." Snow appeared on my back whispering.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you mates?! You, most of anyone should have known the truth is always the right thing to do. With this bloody lie you're hurting Emma. Is this what you want?!" I yelled.


The people I could trust most are now lying to me. It hurts. Here, inside.

I went to my bedroom and I dressed a white dress.

I checked Henry's room and I saw he, Hope and Neal were okay and I went outside.

I saw a horse in the stables and I had an idea: I need a drink.


They stared me. Admired because I said that and admired because I was right.

"Sorry. You're right..." she whispered. "We also risked your relationship with her. I'm really sorry." Snow whispered.

"We have to tell her." David said.


"One please." I ordered.

Ruby smiled. After a few minutes she brought a shot.

"Thank you." I said and I drank it all. "Another please."

And Ruby went away.

"So you might be Emma?" I heard a voice.

I turned around "And you might be Ursula... but I don't care." And I turned around again because Ruby brought the shot.

"One for me too." She said and sat next to me.

"So... Emma... We never had the chance to meet each other... Where's Hook? Shouldn't he be here?" she said teasing me.

"I don't have time to you right now... I should go home-" I said getting up but she grabbed my arm.

"But Emma? The night is only starting."


"EMMA?!" I yelled trying to find her.

"She isn't here." David said. Well thanks mate, I got that.

"She got a horse" Snow appeared and said. "The white one isn't in the stables."

"Bloody hell."

"Maybe if we go outside and ask if anyone have seen her?" David suggested.

I nodded and we went. Snow stayed there to take care of the kids.


"Hum? He did that to you?(...) He enjoyed the oppurtunity that my ex was dead to win my heart. He's just a pirate...(...) I can't even believe I had a child with him."

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now