Our Own Place

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The alarm clock rang. Emma didn't even hear it. I turned it off and I got up. We have to pack everything. She was sleeping. I couldn't wake her up. She has been so tired. I'll pack everything.

I took some boxes. Everyone was sleeping. I went to our wardrobe and I took all our clothes to the box. I saw a kind of white blanket. It says Emma in the right side. Is this her baby blanket? I smelled it. It's her smell. I smiled. Suddenly a tear came from my eye. Knowing what she suffered all this time. Knowing that she felt the same I did. Just a little kid crying every day and blaming himself because his dad abandoned you. My daughter will never have this feel. Or son. I'll do my best.

And then I felt an hand on my shoulder that interrupted all my thoughts. I turned back. It was Emma. "Sorry, love. I wa-was just packing everything." I said. She wiped my tears. "Killian why are you crying?" she looked scared.

"I'm tired of living in the past." I said.

She hugged me.

"You know what? Let's have breakfast and then we do this. C'mon." she helped me getting up.

She was doing hot cocoa. I did some scramble eggs. She looked at me. "We are your future now." she whispered.

"And I couldn't be happier, love. (...) I'm sorry. I just saw your baby blanket and I remembered myself."

She looked at me. I got lost in her eyes. Again. She got up and she come to me. "It's okay. I'm here now. You have a family now." she said hugging me. I kissed her. We finally packed everything. And we waited for David to wake up. We need his truck to get everything there.

We sat on the couch.

I fell asleep on her shoulder.


Snow came in.

"Good Morning Emma." she said.

"Morning mom!"

"Wow! You already packed everything." she yelled looking at all the boxes next to the door. "I'll call David to take them."

"Thanks!" and she went to her bedroom.

I kissed Killian's cheek. He slowly opened his eyes. "I'm going with my dad taking the boxes. Take a nap and I'll be back." I whispered.

He smiled. He was so exhausted. All these days he helped me with my problems. And I didn't understand he was suffering too. I'm feeling so horrible. He fell asleep again.

"Morning dad!"

"Morning Emma. Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah let's go."

I took all the boxes to the truck.

We got in the car. He started driving.

"What do I do?" I decided to vent with my father.

He looked confused.

"Killian isn't okay. Today he found my baby blanket and I found him crying because it remembered himself." I explained.

"Wait what? Killian was an orphan too?"

"He only told me his mother died and his father abandoned him and his brother."

"Oh... I didn't know. That's sad. Really sad. I think you need to do what he has always done up to you. Give him your support. Be right next to him. He needs to feel loved."

"You think he doesn't feel loved? B-But I love him!" I yelled.

"Emma, what I'm saying is that you need to be there with him. Help him. Give him all your love. Show him that you love him."

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