Our Little Happy Ending

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My parents were cooking dinner. Henry was with Neal watching TV next to me and Killian. I fell asleep in his arms.

"Love the dinner is ready. Let's just eat and then you can sleep." he said giving me little parties on my face. There was an amazing smell. I'm so hungry. The baby is calling for food.

Henry ate everything and he was watching TV.

While we were having dinner "I was thinking... and we can get our own place during this month." I started. My dad stopped eating. "Emma you don't have to go. You can just stay here you know that right?" he said. "Yeah I know... But you guys need your privacy." I said. My mom gave me a "we need or you need?" look. "C'mon mom!"

"Emma, if you want to... We only want your best. And yes this house is too small for all of us. Only 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 couch... Emma it's okay." my mom said.


"Just be carefull Emma." my dad said worried. He didn't seem that happy.

"I'll be fine."

"I'll protect her." Killian said. Cute. I looked to him with a smile.

I started feeling all my food coming out. I ran to the bathroom. I threw up. Killian ran to me. I sat at the bathroom's floor. I was so dizzy. I couldn't even open my eyes. He put up squatting in my front "Swan... Calm down. Just breathe." he said grabbing my hand. I tried to open my eyes and I saw my mom and dad. Then Henry.

I was like 5 minutes there trying to open my eyes normally. Then I felt better. Killian helped me getting up and he brought me to bed.

"You're better Emma?" my dad asked.

"I thi-think I am. Thanks."


She doesn't seem okay. It hurts so much to see her with all this pain. Her parents went to the kitchen. Henry gave her a hug and they went to the kitchen. "Ah..." she said.

"What, love?"

She put my hand on her belly. "Can you feel it?" she asked with a big smile. "It's moving!" wow! I felt a feet. She was almost crying of happiness. I kissed her hard. She grabbed my neck. "I love you Killian." she said interrupting the kiss. Now I was almost crying. "I love you too Emma."

A tear appeared on her face. I wiped it and she smiled. "Try to rest love." I said and she fell asleep on my chest. I could feel her heartbeat like mine. We share a heart.


"She is dead." I said to him.

"No she isn't." he said.

"What?! I crushed her heart." I yelled. I crushed her heart and it's impossible.

"True love. The captain shared his heart with her."

"NO! That pirate deserves death! (...) Wait.... You! You! You're not doing the deal! You're writing them a happy ending!"

I started suffocating him. "Bastard..."

"You can't kill me. I'm the one who write the story remember?"

"Unless you're dead."

And suddenly I couldn't move.

"But I'm not." he wrote something in a blank page and suddenly I was in a jail.

"Where are your friends?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Tell me now!" I insisted.

"Ne-New York."

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