What am I?

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After our costumes have dried, we put them on again and we went home.
Everything was going perfectly until my phone rings right when we just arrived our castle.

"Emma I'm glad you finally answered."
"Granny? Is everything alright with Hope?!" I say as Killian looks at me wondering what the hell is going on.
"I-I-She was sleeping and...and I fell asleep too. I'm sorry I'm really sorry!-" she said with a really nervous voice. Something had happened. Something bad.
"Just say what the hell happened!" I screamed and Killian grabbed my hand.
"She-She's gone." She said with a sorry voice.

When I heard these words, everything fell.
I tried to breathe.
With my hair still soaked, I ran outside to get a horse.
"Swan?! What the bloody hell happened?!"as well, Killian followed me.
"Hope was taken, I don't know when, where, how, I just-" Tears full of anger came and I tried to reach the horse but Killian was right on my way.
"Bloody hell..." he whispered. "Hey calm down. We will find her." he said as he placed a quick kiss on my forehead.

Before I could even get up on the horse, my phone rang.
A video message. Shit.
"Hello Darlings! As you can see, I have your dreadful daughter. Look how beautiful this little brat sleeps... Isn't she cute?" I froze when I saw Cruella holding Hope in her arms somewhere in the forest. Killian watched the video too. " Don't worry. I don't want her... You know I'm not mother material... " In the video, Cruella grabbed Hope's small hand. A tear fall from my eye. "If you prefer her to remain in tact, you'll do exactly as I say..."
I look to Killian. His fearful face is killing me inside. 
"Kill the author. Then... ah.. you can bring me his broken little body, or your princess will meet a very unhappy ending. Ta-taa"

My phone's screen went black. My Hope no. Not my Hope.
"Come on, let's go in one horse." he says as he helps me getting up on it and he grabs my waist and I drive it into the woods.


"Here. I recognize that trailhead marker." Emma said as she stopped the horse.
"What now, love?" I say with a sad and painful voice.
"Now we pray to find her."
We start walking into the woods and there's a big silence but my thoughts are really loud.
I look at her and she's walking, looking down and with tears in her cheeks. This hurts me so much. I wish I could do something to make her smile. But right now I'm just like her.
Without saying anything I grab her hand and we keep walking.
"Over here." we hear a female voice.
We look at each other and we turn around. No one is here. Only us. Where is the voice coming from?
"Here." we hear again the voice coming from the opposite side now. We turn around and no one is standing there.
I feel Emma squeezing my hand, probably because she's nervous, or scared, or angry. Maybe all of those emotions.
"HELP!" we hear Henry's voice. Emma looks at me with scared and angry tears. Her eyes are red and full of pain. She looks at me wishing I could do something but... I just can't.
I grab her and I protect her head with my hands against my chest. She keeps crying.
"She's just playing with us. Henry is safe at Regina's house right now, love. It will be okay. It's just magic. It will be okay." I say to her with my chin upon her head.
We keep walking. Now with my arm around her waist.
Will all this be okay? This is my first time being a father and I can't do anything. My daughter is in danger and I can't do a bloody thing! Why is this so-
"Cruella!" Emma's scream interrupts all my thoughts. Then I realize we're just right next to a gorge and Cruella is standing there with Hope in her arms.
"Hum glad you finally find me." Cruella takes a step in front and I protect Emma with my arm. "So romantic the two love birds... So now where's the author's body?" she says.

"Cruella, please Hope has nothing to do with this. If you wanna a happy ending, you can get it! But not in this way. If you kill an innocent baby it will-"
"Oh please don't tell me you didn't bring the lovely author's body because that means I will have to kill this little cutie..."
"DON'T EVEN TRY IT!" Emma yelled coming each step closer to Cruella. I tried to grab her arm but her anger was more powerful than that.

"Hum calm down, Darling... You don't have to see it... You can just turn around or close your eyes. I'm sure that way will be easier."
Emma is full of tears, her face is all red now.
"Cruella don't-" Emma says with a weak voice.
With all this I'm frozen. This can't be happening.

"Just watch me" Cruella said as in slow motion pulled away a gun from her pocket.
"Bloody hell stop! We don't have to do this!" I yelled. She didn't stop.
In seconds, I saw a light in Emma's hands and Cruella falling as Emma grabs in Hope who is falling too.
When everything comes back to normality again, I see Emma grabbing Hope really tight and Cruella is nowhere on sight.
I hug Emma and Hope and I check if they are both okay.
When I look down, I see a dead body with black and white colours on the ground. Cruella.


What have I just done?
I killed Cruella.
I killed.

I look down, there is Cruella laid on the floor. Dead.
"Swan, Swan, are you okay?" I heard Killian calling me.
But I killed her.
"I killed her."
He hugs me trying not to crush Hope who is awake and smiling now.
"You were in a pinch. She would probably have killed Hope, love."
I look at my both hands. Dark magic did this.
I am dark.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now