The Wooden Man Child

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"Killian... We just took care of Hope because Henry was leaving and so Regina and she couldn't be alone." David apolagized himself.

"I know... I just came here to take her home. I'm tired andI don't want any more problems tonight."

Snow came to the hallway with Hope sleeping in her arms.

"Did Emma tell you?... What we've done?..." Snow said with pain in her eyes.

"Aye... I just want to go home now."

They looked at me and Snow gave me Hope.


I laid Hope in her crib. Next to the crib, was our bed... And Emma sleeping there.

All her hair was tangled upon her face.

I laid on the bed, slowly to not wake her, and I brushed her hair with my fingers.

Even sleeping, a tear fell of her closed eyes.

I started crying.

"I love you" I said to her sleeping mind.

I caressed her face and I placed my lips upon her soft skin of her cheek.

She moaned and I saw her eyes opening.


He's here. He's... Crying. I hugged him thigtly.

"I'm sorry Killian, I'm so so sorry" I cried.

"I'm sorry, Emma. I didn't understand what you are going through now. I shouldn't had yelled to you. There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing, love. I love you so much." He said all so quickly and he kissed me.

I pulled away from the kiss and with both hands on his cheeks, I said "I love you too"

He pushed me against his body and we both fell asleep. Around his arms, safe.

I woke up and he was still sleeping. I got up without waking up him and then I noticed Hope was sleeping in her crib. How is that possi- oh my god... Killian brought her when I was sleeping.

I caressed her cheek.

I decided to cook breakfast today to my two sleepy babies.


"It's impossible to make you a surprise" I giggled. I sat on the bed and he stared me.

He took my hand and smiled.

Suddenly he pushed me to him and I fell on the bed with him. He laid his arms around me and squeezed me "That will never ever happen again, love. I can't lose you." he said. I smiled.

I kissed him "never" I whispered.

"C'mon let's eat breakfast." I said as I pick Hope with me.


"There's a man at the door, your majesty. He says he wants to talk with the princess." a servant says before we can even start eating.

"Are you waiting for someone, love?" I question.

"No... weird..." she says and she goes to the door with her wonderfull blue gown.

I pick Hope in my arms and I follow her toward the door.

A young beard man with old clothes stands there.

"August?!" Emma says confused.

"Emma! And you're wearing a ballgown whoah" he says and hugs her.

I don't know if I'm enjoying this.

"How-How is it possible?!" Emma says. She seems surprised. Who the hell is him? An ex? She never told me about Augast or how the hell is his name.

"I bring news... Terrible news." he says.

Emma realizes I'm right behind her "Killian... this is August, an old friend. And August, this is my fiancé, Killian."

"Welcome, mate" I say trying to be polite.
He smiles to me. So annoying.

Emma says full of happiness. "Come in. Do you want some coffe?"

"hum no thanks. I came here just to tell you something..."

He follows us toward the living room. We sat on the couch and he starts talking.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now