The Hand

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When my mom finally left the palace wondering what the hell was going on with me, I tried to call Killian again.

He isn't answering me and that's worrying me.

Suddenly my phone rang. Killian!

I look at the screen... David.

I don't hang up just because it can be about Killian.

"Emma you should come to the docks. I'm here with Ariel and Killian."

"O-Okay I'll be there!"

I hang up and I ran upstairs.

"Henry, can you please take care of Hope for a while? There's an emergency. I know you're meeting with Paige tonight but don't worry I'll try to be back before it, I'm sorry-"

"Hey mom... It's okay. Just go, we'll be fine."

I kiss his forehead and I give Hope to his arms.

I ran outside to get a horse.

Okay, Emma you can ride this.

I've been practicing but let's say I'm not used to it.

And there we go toward the docks.


Everything's black.

"I already called her. She's on her way." I hear a voice. David's.

I open my eyes trying to breath. I spat all the water inside me.

Everything was blurry.

When I finally can see everything clearly, I see a young redhead woman. Ariel.

"Are you okay?" she says.


And then she snaps me. I was totally deserving it.

" That's for tossing Black Beard overboard before he could tell me where Eric was." she says.

"Guys I don't think it's the time or place for that." David says grabbing his phone.

I sit on the wooden floor.

Suddenly I hear a horse. We all turned back and I saw Emma. Bloody hell, she's everything I want right now.


I see Killian on the floor wet.

I leave the horse and I run toward him.

I hug him on the floor so tightly.

"What the hell happened?! Are you okay?!" I say to his ear.

"I'm okay now, love." he says relieved squeezing me even more.

I pull him away.

"Ursula... She sent me to the sea from the Jolly Roger. But Ariel found me and she saved me." he explained.

"What?! The Jolly Roger? Ursula?!" I said confused.


I explained everything what happened. And then I remembered... The shell! I need the shell. Ursula has to understand how villains can get happy endings without the author.

They can't help the Crocodile... He's planing something with my Emma and I won't let anything happen to her.

"I-I have to go back to the Jolly Roger. I need to get the shell." I said.

"I'll go with you." Emma said.

"Be careful Emma." David said.

Emma got up and then she said the last thing I was waiting for:

"Like you care."

I looked at her. David looked at her. Even Ariel looked at her.

"You know what I'm talking about! So STOP DOING THAT INNOCENT FACE DAVID!" she yelled.

"Emma?-" David tried to speak but Emma was angry. Really angry.


"Emma, calm down-" I tried but still...

"NO! I am tired of this! Tired of secrets! EVEN after knowing how angry I was because you lied to me and then what do you do?! YOU KEEP LYING!"

"Emma, sweetheart, I'm so so sorry we didn't-"

"No.. You're not sorry. You're not. Don't even talk to me again." she said and she started walking toward the docks bridge.

"Wow" Ariel said surprised.

David was heartbreaken.

I followed Emma and when we were far of them enough I called her.

"Killian I don't want to talk right now." she said crying and hiding her face.

I grabbed her arm. She stopped walking.

"Swan. Tell me what happened." I said landing my fingers on her chin and pulling her face to meet my eyes.

"Henry just told me my parents used Maleficent's child to transfer all my darkness to her and because of that, her child was sent to my world."

She was trying really hard to not cry. But she couldn't. "Because of them... The baby grew up alone just like me. I know the feel and how horrible it is. And all my darkness is now with her or him.-"

I just hugged her tightly with my hand on her hair pulling her head to my shoulder.

"I'm here... You're not alone." I said to calm her down.

She pulled my back to her.

"E-Everything is wr-wrong right now.... Why?..." she said crying. She couldn't almost talk.

I pulled her away from the hug and with my both hands on her cheeks I whispered "I love you.".

Our eyes met like they never did before.

And I kissed her. A long and passionate kiss with tears under the starry sky at the docks.

She suddenly pulled me away with a confused look.

"What, love?"

She looked down trying to find something. Then she took my hands.

"You... T-The hook..." she said.

I smiled. She smiled too, still with tears.

I touched her cheek in slow motion with the hand that used to be the hook. She closed her eyes slowly. And I wiped her tears.

"Don't cry. It breaks my heart." I said and she kissed me again.

"Let's go get the shell" she said with a smile.

I laid my arm around her back and we walked together to the Jolly Roger.


"Paige! You came... Sorry I'm a bit busy... My parents were supposed to come right now..."

"It's okay... We can stay here with Hope" she said smiling.

Someone knocked the door. "Henry Mills? Miss Snow White and Prince Charming are here to see you."

"Okay, thanks."

The servant left.

"Paige can you please stay with Hope? I need to talk to my grandparents downstairs."

"It's okay, Henry. Go." She said. I have the best girlfriend in the world. I kissed her quickly and I went downstairs.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now