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We all planned to meet at Regina's castle to congrat her pregnancy.
"I'm really happy for you, Regina." I say and smile. She hugs me.
We all go to the living room. Henry spent the night with Regina so he was already there waiting for us.
"Hey mom how are you guys?"
"Great, kid. What have you been doing?"
"The same as usual... Comic books, Videogames..."
"Videogames? I-In the Enchanted Forest? How did you even get the Playstation?" I ask with my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm lost now." Killian says with Hope in his arms. He sits on the couch next to us with Hope on his lap.
"Well Regina made some magic..." Henry said.

"Are you going to explain me what a Playstation is, love?" he whispers to my ear raising his eyebrow.
"Later." I say with a smile.

Regina gets in the room with Robin, Roland, my mom and my dad with Neal in his arms.
I'm still mad at them, but I can't ignore them forever. They are my parents.

Suddenly a purple cloud appears in the room revealing to be Maleficent.
Robin protects Regina's stomach automatically.

I get up "Maleficent?"
"Don't worry I'm not here to kill any of you. I need help." she said.
"Why would we help you?" I said grabbing Killian's hand who is still sitting on the couch protecting Hope.
"First, you owe me." she says turning to my parents. "And well you killed a really close friend of mine. Cruella." she says turning to face me again.
I killed.
I feel Killian's hand squeezing mine.
"How can I know we can trust you? How do we know you're not working with Gold? He resurrected you."
"To help himself, not me. Cruella's death only confirmed that." she says and takes a step closer.

"I knew Gold couldn't keep the dragon on her leash for long." Regina says with a sassy voice.
"What do you want?" I finally ask getting to the point.
"I heard you have a talent for finding people."
"Yeah, I do. Who do you want found?"
"My daughter."

"She-She's alive?" my mom automatically gasps.
"Yes. She survived the journey to this land... The journey you sent her on. You want to prevent Rumplestiltskin from achieving whatever he wants. What better way than helping me?"

"Emma you don't have to do this-" my dad starts but I cut him off.
"What do you know about her?"
"Just what the Dark One showed me... that she was banished to the other world 30 years ago, to a place called Minnesota where she was adopted by a couple but she's somewhere in the Enchanted Forest now. Her name is Lilith."
"No... No no no." I say to myself as I run outside.
"Emma!" Killian calls me behind me but I totally ignore him.


I was planning to tell her I released the author from the book this afternoon at Regina's but now with all this, I don't think it's a good idea.
I find her at the garden sitting on one of the steps of the small stairs.
"It's her." she says.
"What are you talking about? What happened?"
"It's Lily." she says.
"Lilith. Her name was Lily." Then I remember Emma telling me about the girl I saw in the videotapes.
"Oh Emma..." I place my arms around her. "There are lots and lots of Liliths in the world. You don't know if it's her!"
"I have to find that out."
"Emma, are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. Even if it isn't her... My parents did this to her. It's my darkness. I have at least to apologize myself."
"You know it's not your fault, love."
"Like I said, it's my darkness."
I pull her chin up so she'd face me.
Her green eyes never were this green. The reflection of the sun makes her eyes even brighter.
I can't see any darkness there. I was an asshole for realising the author of the book because I thought she was going dark.
Bloody hell, of course she's different! She's suffering with all this stuff and you want her to put on rainbow eyeliner?
I'm such an idiot. How could I possibly think this of her? Now the author is God knows where to be find.
Because of me.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel her lips on mine. Those bloody lips. Soft and tasty.
I open my mouth in response and our tongues meet. It's always like a first time.
"I don't wanna leave you." she whispers pulling away.
"Oh so you thought I wouldn't go with you?" I whisper back and we kiss again.

I have to tell her about the author.

*day after*

"Thanks for taking care of Henry for these days, Regina."
"It's okay... Are you sure you don't need me to stay with Hope?"
"Don't worry... I wouldn't give you all that work. My parents.... Will take care of her..."
"Good luck." she says and hugs me.

"Emma-" my mom comes to me but no thanks.
"Take care of Hope."
They automatically take a step away.

Killian picks a horse and I get up on it.
He rides it and we go to exactly where Maleficent said she would be.


It will be hours just with her and me on this bloody horse. So I think it's time to tell her about the author.
I call for her. I can't see her. She's behind me and I only feel her arms around my waist and her head laying on my back.
"Yes?" I don't feel her head on my back anymore.
"I have to tell you something, love..."
I turn my face around in seconds to see her. She's confused and curious. And at the same time scared.
"Remember when August-"
"Killian I don't wanna talk about August."
"Aye, I know love. But that's not my point." I say and I stop the horse.

I was going to tell her on that horse so I wouldn't have to look at her and it would be easier but that's not the right way.
I turn around to face her. I take her hands.
"Killian what's going on? You're scaring me."
"The door page... The one which August told us about... I... I released the author."
"You did what?!"


Guys you know what? Only more 2k viewers (more and less) and this fanfic turns to the most popular CS ff on WATTPAD ❤
So yeah I just wanted to thank you because omg my english sucks and well THANK YOU

About next chapter... Well you're going to see Emma and Lily's reunion just like in the original story but you know... With Killian next to her and I might do some things.... WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF CS FEELS MHUAHAH I'M GONNA KILL YOU bye*

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