Operation Mongoose Part 2

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I don't wanna do anything. I wanna hide in a dark hole, stay there forever and cry.
The only reason I'm doing this is because I believe maybe if we get the hell out of this story Killian will be alive.
What if he won't? What will I do? I will never be allowed to love without pain. Everyone dies with me. Everyone.

"Regina's here."
We get in and there she is.
"Let me guess... You're his other mother?"
I nod. Trying not to cry.
"I have to give you credit. Breaking her out of that tower couldn't have been easy."
"Henry can you give us a minute?"
He goes outside with Hope in his arms. What if Ho will never see her father again?

"Regina everything he said about this reality it's true."
"I don't know why am I wasting my time with a madwoman who calls herself the savior."
"Because I can help. Your happiness is still a possibility. Your first step is going after the man you love."

"My happy ending isn't a man."

Wait if you're afraid of losing it, that means you found it. What is it?

Don't you know Emma? It's you.

"Emma are you listening to me?"
"Yeah sorry I- You're right about that but love is a part of all happiness and you have to be open to that. Go to Robin Hood. All you have to do is tell him how you feel."
She places her hands on her waist. "Oh is that all? You forgot to mention the part I'd have to crash his wedding."

"What does your heart tell you?"
"I know what my heart says... But what if his doesn't say the same thing?"

"Isn't that a risk you're willing to take? I just watched the man I love die!"
Then it all started. I couldn't handle my tears anymore.
"I... I'm so sorry. That's horrible..."

"You know... I used to be just like you. Afraid of love... Love has been always a synonym of pain for me. But then I met him. He made me happy. He made me believe I would never suffer again. He would be there. With me.
But now? I just saw him dying... and I couldn't do anything. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. How much I would miss him. I wanted to say goodbye. But I couldn't.
My only chance with him is if you don't make the same mistake I did. So please, could you help me?"

She looks at me with a sorry face while I'm still sobbing.
Henry gets in shouting with Hope.
"It's now! We have to go! The knights are looking for us."
"What do we have to do?" Regina gets in the plan with enthusiasm.

"We have to stop the wedding."


"We haven't heard the wedding bells yet. There's still time."
"I don't even know what to say to him!"
"I think in this case, actions speak louder than words. Once you and Robin share true love's kiss everything should be great again."

"I'm afraid none of you are crashing this wedding." A male voice says behind us. Rumple.
"Go! I got this!" I yell and Regina runs toward the church. "Henry you go too! Take Hope to somewhere safe!" And he runs away too.

Rumple and I fight with our swords.
This is it. I have to win this so I can see Killian again.
In one second I'm sent against the floor and everything goes black.


No I can't lose her!
I run toward her. She's still breathing.
I see Gold walking toward my other mom. I lay Hope next to Emma and get up and stopping him.
"Out of my way, boy."
"You have to get through me to get to her!"

He points his sword to me. Its tip on my chest.
"You won't hurt me." I try my mental games. "You're supposed to be a hero here."
"And that's exactly why I must do this. To ensure I remain one."
"MOM!" I see Regina on my front and Rumple's sword through her stomach.


My eyes open and I hear exactly what I didn't want to hear. The wedding bells.
Hope is laying next to me sleeping. I pick her in my arms.
I see Regina laying on the floor with blood.
Henry crying next to her.
"No..." I whisper.

We lost.
I will never see Killian again.
Regina died.
"I'm sorry Killian I failed you..." I whisper with sobs.
My knees fall onto the floor as I cry looking at what's rest of him. Hope.
She will never see her father again.

"Momma" she wakes up smiling.
And I start crying even more.
"Momma's here"
"Pappa isn't coming."
She smiles. She has no idea what is happening. Just a poor innocent child. Who has no idea how much she will suffer.

The church's doors suddenly open showing Robin and Zelena now married with a lot of people around them.
However, Robin's eyes only can see her. Regina.
He runs toward her dead body on the floor.
"Robin what's going on?" Zelena follows him.

I stay there on my corner with Hope in my arms. I can't move. I have no more reasons to move.
I see Zelena running away.

Henry runs toward me crying too. I hug him with Hope.
"I couldn't see my mom dying." Henry explains with sobs.
We three stay there while Robin stays with Regina.

"Hum... Too little, too late." I hear a voice behind me.
I turn around. The author.
I give Hope to Henry's arms and I get up.

I punch him in the face and say "go to hell."
He slowly falls on the floor.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Emma... I'm sure it must not be easy. Watching someone we love dying-"
I reach him on the floor and I place my hands around his neck suffocating him.
"Do not ever talk about Killian again."

When I turn around I don't see Henry.
I find him touching a pen which had fallen on the floor when I punched the author.
The pen starts shinning once he touches it.
"Kid what the hell?"

•• srry for taking so much to update••

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