I Always Confess to You

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I get up of the couch trying to forget what just happened.

I'm enganged and I have a child with Killian! How can I do this to him?

I wouldn't kiss him if I knew what he was doing. And why the hell did he do that?! What the hell just happened?!

"I-I- oh my god..." it's the only thing he can say right now.

"Why did you do that? I'm enganged!! I have children!! I LOVE KILLIAN!" I scream right in front of his face.

I'm mad. Really mad. He shouldn't have pulled me.

"I'm sorry, Emma. I have feelings for you-"

"Get the hell out of my house. I thought we were friends! For the first time... in my life... I could have a friendship, but no! I was wrong."


"Get the hell out of here!" I yell.

He turns around and leads to the door. A tear falls from my eye and I wipe it.

When I'm finally home I sit again on the couch and I place both my hands on my head.

What did I just do?

Do I tell Killian? Yes.

Will he understand me? Forgive me?

And in that moment, I just heard the door.

"Emma?" I hear Killian calling for me from the hall.

I don't turn around. I just stay there on the couch with my hands still on my head trying to disappear.


Should I tell Emma about what I did with the author? Yes.

I would never lie to her.

But then I'll have to tell her that I think she's going dark.

No. I don't wanna hurt her.

But I won't lie.

Bloody hell what do I do now?

I go to the living room. And there she is sitting on the couch. I only can see her back.

"Emma?" she doesn't turn around. "Why was August outside?"

I sit next to her. She looks at me and smiles. Fake Smile.

"What happened?" I ask her. Her smile fades.


"What happened?"

She looks at the floor and doesn't answer me. I take both her hands and I grab them tightly. "What happened?" I ask again. She doesn't look at me but a tear falls from her eye. One single tear.

I grab her waist and I pull her into my lap. She lands her warm arms around my neck.

"August kissed me." she whispers into my ear.

"What?!" I almost yell.

"He just pulled me. It wasn't my fault. Killian I love you, you know that!"

I automatically get up "That bloody wooden man will see what I'm capable of-"

"Killian stop!" I hear Emma yelling after me.

She grabs my arm not letting me go outside to talk to him. I shake my arm and she left me go. Before I open the door I look at her. She had tears on her cheeks, red circles under her eyes and she's looking at me with a please-don't-do-that look.

I open the door and the first thing I see is him.

"What are you trying to do, mate?!" I shout pushing his neck against a wall.

"Killian Stop!! Please!" I feel her arms grabbing my arm but I'm stronger.

"I'm sorry, Killian. I didn't think. I'm really sorry." He couldn't stop saying. 

Just shut your bloody mouth. I think. I just wanna break his face in pieces.

What the hell am I doing?

I let him go and he fell on the floor trying to breathe.


He finally leaves him and he falls on the floor trying to breathe.

Killian looks at his hand, scared and confused.

"Killian..." I whisper.

August is still on the floor. I try to take his hand but he runs away.

I follow him upstairs. "Killian! Please stop!" I try to call him a lot of times but he ignores me.

He finally stops walking and turns around facing me.

"Look I'm sorry-" I got interrupted with his lips meeting mine.

I kissed him back. It felt really good because I thought I would never have this again.

"I'm sorry, Swan... I was mad and jealous and I love you. That's why I did what I did." he said with pain in his voice.

I place my right hand on his cheek and he hugs me. "I love you too." I whispered to his neck.

"We should go downstairs solve somethings..." I say grabbing his hands.

"I'll go, love. I did this. Go check if Hope's okay." he said and placed a quick kiss on my forehead and he goes downstairs.


"Do you love her?"

"Yes... I do." he said still with pain.

"If you truly do, don't do that ever again."

"Yeah... I should leave now. Just-Just take care of her."

I will.

He starts walking toward his horse.

I go to our bedroom and I find Emma sitting on our bed cradling Hope in her arms and I sit next to her.

"Can you please just hold her for a bit so I can change to my pajamas?" she says.

"Of course, love."

Once Hope is asleep, I lay her on her crib. "Good Night, princess" I whisper and I kiss her forehead.

When I'm ready to go to sleep she's already waiting for me on bed.

I lay on the bed and cover myself with the sheets.

"C'mere" I say.

She slides toward me. I place my arm under her head. Our foreheads touch and I can see her from a way I've never seen before. I think our faces have never been this close. Only when we are kissing of course, but I always prefer to close my eyes to feel her soft and warm lips.

I look at her. Her eyes are already on mine.
Our noses touch and then our lips.

All softly and in slow motion.
I'm lucky.

*Srry for bad english. It's midnight and I just really wanted to update guys. I'll try to correct the typos tomorrow so if you find some just tell me xD Night everyone :)

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