The Proposal

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"Morning sleeping beauty" I said joking with him. He smiled and kissed me "Morning my princess" I smiled.

"What do you think if we just go to granny's and have a coffee, love?" he asked. Hum.. Coffee. Exactly what I'm needing.

We went and I was waiting outside. He come and he brought 2 coffees. His and mine.

We started walking while we were drinking the coffees.

"So how was Henry when you told him?" he asked.

"He's okay. I think he's happy." I said and we stopped walking.

"Well he isn't the only one." he said and we kissed.

"You know what? Remember that date I promised to you? How about today, love? Regina is with Henry tonight." He proposed.

"Exactly what I am needing."


We went home. Emma and I are having a date today's night. I'm thinking on propose Emma today. We are having a baby. I want to marry her. Something she never did before. It's today.
"I'm planning our date, love. See you soon." I said and I kissed her softly. I went to a jewelery and I bought her ring. It needs to be the most perfect one. I found one that caught my attention. It had a white diamond. Looks like her parents' one but it's white. I bought that one and I went to Will's house. I'm so glad we finally are okay. After that bloody shattered sight curse we helped eachother. He always tells me about her true love, Anastasia. She died. I know the feel. I told him about Milah. And how I met Emma and everything changed.

"How do I look?" I asked to him after dressing.

"She'll like it. Now go. You're late." and I ran to her parents appartment. I knocked. Snow opened the door. "Killian. I don't think it's a good time for a date." she said. What?
"What happened? Where's Emma?" I asked. I couldn't see her.

"She isn't feeling okay. She was throwing up. She is in her room. I would say she's better now." she said and I ran to her room. I knocked. "Emma?"

"Come in." she said. I walked in and it was dark with only a light next to her bes. She was under the sheets.
"You okay, love?" I put my arm behind her neck.
"I'm feeling dizzy. But I'm okay. Sorry for ruinning our date-"
"You didn't ruin nothing, love. I'll stay here with you, love." I said. "Thanks" and she grabbed my hand. We watched Netflix. The proposal of marriage will have to wait.

It was like 11pm. "Let's have a walk at the docks or something. Please. I need to get out of here. Please?" she asked. "Swan?!" she rolled her eyes "pleaseee!" how can I say no to this girl? "We can go... But if you just feel something just tell me." and we went outside. She was wearing a white dress. She was so beatiful and as usual she forgot her jacket. So I gave her mine. Just like in our first date. We went to the docks and she sat at a bench. I went to Granny's and I bought 2 coffees for us. She was waiting for me in the docks. She was looking at the sea. My old home. I come and she got up. I gave her the coffee. "Thanks." she said. She started drinking it. It was really cold. "You're freezing because of me." she said and she laughed. "It's okay. I have you to warm me." I said and I hugged her. We were both looking to the sea. We sat. "You never told me about your childhood... Who were your parents? You know... In the storybook?" she asked. "My childhood... Is something I really don't want to remember." My mother was killed and my dad? He abandoned me and my brother..." I started and my eyes got watered. "Okay... I understand. I know it's hard, sometimes... Remembering who we were. How many times we cried. How many mistakes we did. But hey, we are here now. We get our happy ending. We are a family now. And, my past... Is something I just need to remember the good things, you know?... " her watered eyes looked at mine. "I couldn't be more agreed, love." I said. I kissed her slowly. It was a long kiss. And then she put her head on my shoulder. And then, I remembered the ring. I took it off of my pocket. It was in a little box. A black box. I grabbed the box with my hands. She looked at it. I'm so nervous.


"And what is that?" I asked when I saw a little box. He got up and so did I. What?... Is this a... "Because I love you. Because you are the light of my eyes. Because you are my hero. Because you're my savior. Because of all of our story. From the beanstalk to our first kiss, I gave you all my heart. You are my life." He rose to his knees. My eyes got watered. "Will you marry me?" I choked. A tear slid on my face. "I... I-I..." I couldn't even breathe. I kissed him hard and then slowly. "I would accept it as a yes " he said. I smiled "yes, yes and yessss!" and he put me the ring. Only me, him and the sea. He is perfect. "I love you more than anything." I said interrupting the kiss. "You're my life Swan. I love you so much." he said. "I love you too." I said and I put my head on his chest and hugging him. Both looking to the sea.

We went home. Smiling. It was late so we went to sleep. I got my pajamas and I was rolling the ring on my finger. He come to me and he kissed me. He laid on the bed and I laid too. I turned off the lamp and he grabbed me. We fell asleep.


I woke up. She was sleeping. Her beauty... Her eyes closed. Her soft and sweet skin. Her perfect mouth. I was so hungry so I went to the kitchen. I let her sleep a bit more. While I was having my breakfast Emma just woke up. She appeared "Morning, love" and I kissed her. "Morning" she said. She was drinking coffee when her mother just come from shopping. Emma was trying to warm her hands so she was holding the cup. She had the ring I gave her yesterday's night. It's so perfect in her. Snow began to arrange purchases in the kitchen and she noticed Emma's ring. "Oh... Is that a..?" she said pointing. "Oh ah.. Yeah... Killian proposed me yesterday's night. We are going to marry." she said and I grabbed her hand. "Oh that's so sweet Killian. Congratulations. Amazing ring."

We both smiled.

*3 weeks after*

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