The Summer Palace

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Oh right! They told us the palace was near of the beach, a lake and a small forest. We found it!

We ran to there. There were 2 guards at the door.

"Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter and her Prince." Emma said.

"Of course. Welcome. Come in." one of the guards said.

Wow! This was so big and beautiful.

"I need a pencil. And a paper." Emma said. I helped her finding them.

"Here!!!" I yelled from the study.

She ran to me and she started writing. Her lovely handwriten...

Mom, Dad,
We are okay now. We got lost in the woods. But we found the castle and we're here now. We'll spend the night here. It's dark outside and we don't know how to come back.
Good Night and I'm sorry!

"Find Snow White and Prince Charming." Emma said to the dove on the window and it left.


"Let's go to bed. You're really tired and it's late." He said and he grabbed my waist. He kissed my head and we went to the bedroom.

A servant gave us pyjamas.

Suddenly something knocked on the window. A dove.

Tomorrow's morning we'll be right there to take you. It's okay. Good Night and I'm glad you found it.
Enjoy the night at the new castle.

"My mom said tomorrow's morning they'll be right here to take us." I told Killian.

"Good." he said. He hugged me. "While you're with me you're safe." he whispered to my ear. I nodded hugging him back.

"And Emma? I will be always worried with you. Because I love you." he said.

I blushed and I stared the floor.

"I love you too." I said and I kissed him.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and his hand slide to my waist.

He undressed my pyjamas and kissed me.

I kissed him back and we fell on the bed. I undressed him and he kissed my neck. I tried to be quiet but I couldn't.

From my neck to my belly. The chills were too much. I grabbed his neck with both hands to control all my feels and moans.

After hours of experience I fell asleep with his arms around me.


Her beautiful skin with gold hair. Her eyes closed with big eyelashes. Her pink lips.

I kissed her. I couldn't resist.

Her eyes opened. "Sorry, love. You're lips were calling me."

She smiled and I felt her hand on my neck. Then she pushed my head against hers and kissed me.

That was passionate.

"C'mon love your parents are waiting." I said breaking the kiss.

She got up and she went somewhere.

Suddenly the door opened. There was my princess with a wonderful soft blue dress. "You're wonderful Swan." I said kissing her.

"Thank you" she said with a big smile.

After I get dressed too, we went downstairs. Her parents were there.

"You're okay Emma!!!" her mother said hugging her.

"Hey guys I just got lost! I'm perfectly okay." she said laughing. I took her hand and we went to their castle.

"So do you want the summer palace?" Snow asked.

I looked to her. She nodded like to me with a "yes I do" look.

"Yes we do." I said.

This time was easy to take our things to the palace because everything was still packed.

So we decided to take everything today.

There was a carriage outside to take our things.

David helped me taking the boxes to there while Emma took care of Neal.

Snow was in the summer palace organizing the servants and everything for we can live there.


"Henry! Only missing your stuff!!! The carriage is waiting!" I yelled.

"Okay mom! I'm closing the box!" he yelled back.

Neal was smiling so much.

"You're so happy today Neal! Yes you are! Yes!" I toyed with him.

"Emma, all the stuff is in the carriage. Now go with Killian and Henry. Your mother will be there." my dad said taking Neal.

"Thanks. Bye dad." I said and I hugged him.

There was another carriage waiting for us and we went.

•• 8 months later ••

*next chapter will start 8 months after which means: THE BABY IS COMINGG yeyy
Tysm for all the love! Lyyy *
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