Jealousy is The Worst

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"Rumple and the Queens of Darkness are after you." He says.
Here we go again.
"Yeah I already know that... Killian told me." I said.
"Did he tell you about planning to turn you dark?"
What?! Will I become dark? I have the potential for great darkness... But I won't become dark. I'm not dark. I'm Emma, the savior. The one who brings everyone's happy endings.
"That's ridiculous... I won't turn dark."
"But darkness is a funny thing, love. It creeps up in you."
"Hey. No one... not Rumplestiltskin or some author... gets to decide who I am." I said as I hugged him.

"Well... We all know Rumple. We all know when he wants something, he always finds a way." August said interrupting our hug.
"So what do we do now?" I say.
"We should tell your parents and Regina." Killian says.
"What?! Are you kidding? No. I'm not going to talk to them."
"Swan..." Killian takes my hands and looks at me "this is for your best. You have to solve those problems because right now we have worse ones."
I roll my eyes. I hate when he's right.
August is looking at us like a wall. Completly frozen.
"Okay we'll tell them." I say and I squeeze Killian's hands.
Suddenly I hear Hope crying from her room.
"I'll get her." Killian says.
"Thanks" I mouth.

Now only me and August.
"So how are you here?! And you know... Not as a kid...?" I say trying to not be mean.
"The Dark One... He brought me back-"
"Why would he help you?"
"Oh he wasn't helping me... Only himself as always... He needed me. To find the author."
"Do you know who the author is?" I said as I grabbed my coffee cup.
I took a sip.
"No. I've never seen him. But I do know a lot about him. They do know who the author is. Actually, they were with them once. When that curse came to Storybrooke just before we came here... That curse that brought magic to everywhere... Remember?"
"Yeah... I do... That purple cloud who scared me to death."
"Well yeah I wasn't with you guys... But I know all this because Rumple told me. And I heard them talking too. So after that curse, the author was prisioned in the book by the sorcer because he helped the villains. Only I know that. Well you do know now too." He said. Woah.
"Wait... Book? Which book?!"
"Henry's book of course. There's a page. With a door on it. He's inside the door. Inside the page."

Suddenly Killian appeared with a happy Hope in his arms.
"Looks like the sleeping beauty just woke up. Isn't it Hope?" I said with a cute voice. She smiled so much. Her beautiful eyes. Blue ones. Just like her father's.
"We should eat our breakfast, love." Killian said. I nodded.
He gave me Hope to my arms and I kissed her cheek.
"Who's this beautiful princess?" August asked.
Oh right... he doesn't know about her.
"My daughter. Well actually our daughter." I say with a big smile. Really proud of this family.

"He's the father?!" He screams. Whoah what's going on? I look at him and so does Killian. "Sorry... I- ah... I didn't mean it" he giggles "I'm surprised... I mean... It's amazing. Congratulations."
"Swan can I give you a word?" Killian says but August suddenly gets up of his sit.
"Oh don't worry... I-I'm leaving now. Sorry for interrupt your breakfast guys... I just needed to tell you this... I-If you guys need my help just call me." He says as he walks away of the dining room.
I follow him toward the door with Hope.
"It's okay... Ah.. So yeah I call you later."
"Yeah.. Hum... Okay so bye... It was nice to see you again, Emma."
"Same..." I say with a smile. I missed him.


When he finally left I went to Emma. Something is wrong with him.
"Swan..." I called her.
"Killian I'm really hungry... Can we please eat breakfast?"
We went to the dining room. Again.
I sat Hope on her baby chair.
Emma made another coffee and I made more pancakes.
We could use servants to do everything but we realized we quite have fun with this. Sometimes the little things are the ones that mean the most.

"Who's August?" I pulled up the subject.
"He was the one who came to my world with me.... In the magical wardrobe... And well... He tried to convince me to break the curse and we had a big past..."
Was he her boyfriend? Did they have more than a relationship? And now he's back... Will it change anything?
"Do you care about him?" I asked scared of the answer.
"Yeah..." Emma said without hesitating.
I gave her a fake smile. I'm actually dying inside.

"Hey..." she said interrupting my thoughts "we are just friends. We always were just friends."
"Bloody hell Swan... You saw the way he was surprised about you being with me. He has feelings for you!"
" Oh, Killian. Now's not the time to be jealous." she says doing the eyebrow.
"Why would I be jealous? Though I do know you're partial to men in leather jackets."
"Killian, he's just a friend. You remember that video I showed you from the foster home? Lily, Her name was Lily... She was my first and best friend, and I pushed her away forever. And after that, I just... Wasn't great at making friends. August was the rare exception. That's why this is so important to me. There's nothing else going on, really."
"Killian, I love you."

Okay I might be jealous. But I know she's saying the truth. Our eyes met and then our lips.
The little things. How 3 words can make you change your mind.
"I love you too."
I grabbed her waist and then I just realized Hope was right there waiting for us to give her the breakfast.
I pulled away and I looked at Hope. Emma smiled.
"Let's eat please!!!" she screamed like a kid.


"We should get some time for us, love." Killian said staring me while I eat my pancakes.
"I'm afraid it's impossible, Killian... With all these-"
"Yeah, I know... It's fine." he looks upset.
If what August said is true... I don't want to put him in danger. Whenever he is with me, he's in danger.
And I can't be a second away from Hope. She's in danger too. And Henry! Everyone's in danger because of me.
Killian takes his cup and goes outside.
I stay right there at the dining room, alone at the table and Hope on her baby sit.
"What do I do now, Hope?" I whisper as I take another sip of my coffee.

Henry finally came from Regina's.
"How was your night, kid?"
"It was great! I have news. Good ones." he says with a big smile. "I'm going to be a brother. Again."
"Wait what?!" I say as I start laughing.
"My mom's pregnant!"
"Oh my god kid! That's soooo good!!" I hug him.

Regina's pregnant. Her own child.
She finally got her happy ending.
"That's great kid... I have to call her-But Henry, could you take care of Hope just for a little bit? I need to talk with your fath-Killian." I try to smile when I realize what I was just going to say.
"Yeah... It's okay." he says with a smile too.

I went to the room's balcony and he's standing there with his coffee cup in his hands.
"Can I join?" I say as I grab my white gown to not fall.
He looks at me with a smile.
"You know what? We really should go out tonight. I was thinking on that lake we went on my birthday-"
"I'm not obligating you to do anything, Swan..."
He places his hands on my waist.
"Yeah I know... I just thought on what you once told me... 'Enjoying the quiet moments' and that's what I wanna do."
I smile and he smiles back. It's like we can't look to anything but each other.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now