Forgetting The Past

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We took a bath and then we got dressed the fastest we could.
We went to the living room and we watched "netflix" on that box. I was holding her and I wasn't even watching the movie.
I couldn't stop staring her. Her beautiful eyes... So focused on that movie.
I caressed her face. She smiled. And then her family entered.


I got up.
"Hey kid! Did you have fun?" I asked Henry.
"Yeah! It was nice... I met a girl from school." he said... Girl? Hum...
"Go get your pajamas and then come here to dinner." and he went.

My mom was preparing the dinner. I was taking care of Neal trying to pretend nothing had happened before they come.
Neal remembers me when I gave up on Henry.
I don't know how it is to take care of a baby. I only know how to open a door after 10 years.
Hook appeared. He sat next to us.
"He looks like Henry" he said.
"Exactly what I was thinking." I said and he kissed my forehead.

*3 weeks after*


Hook woke me up.
"Hey love. Are you feeling better today?" he asked.
"I think yes."

We went to the kitchen for breakfast. I drank hot cocoa with cinnamon and pancakes. We were all eating at the table.

"So what are you going to do today?" my dad asked.
"I don't know... Now without villains... The savior's life is kinda normal." I said.

I felt like I was falling. I was dizzy and everything was blurred.
"We can have a walk at the park! What do you think Emma?" Hook asked.
"I'm not okay." I said.
"W-What? What's up Emma? Emma!" he got worried.
I couldn't talk. I almost fell of my chair but my dad grabbed me.
"Emma?! Emma!" I could hear his voice.

I felt the vomit rising so I ran to the bathroom. Argh.. Good! Bye pancakes. I brushed my teeth and Hook was right there "Swan! You okay? What happened?! "
"I don't know what the hell is happening to me, but these pancakes dropped me wrong. "
We went to the kitchen.

"Hey Emma. You're okay?" my mom asked.
"Yeah now I am... It was just the pancakes." and I sat again.
"I think you should go to the hospital" my dad said.
"I'm okay. Let's just have that walk at the park." I said and I looked at Killian.
"You're not okay. You really need to see this... Throwing up every day isn't normal." Killian said.
"I'm fine." I said.

I got dressed. I went to the bathroom. My period isn't coming. Am I...? No it can't be... But... Throwing up and the period isn't coming... Am I pregnant? But... No, no, no. I need to find this out.

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