A New Home

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I looked at Emma. I wiped her tears.
"I should have listened to you" she couldn't stop saying it.
"It's okay, love. We all do mistakes. Everything will be okay. Regina isn't easy... But she will forgive you... You did nothing wrong." I said. She smiled. That's good. I smiled back.
The granny's door opened. Again. It was her parents.

"Hey where's Regina? She was crying and then she ran away!" Snow asked.
Even with her parents there she didn't leave my arms which made me surprised.

"It's all my fau-" Emma started but I interrupted her "she will be okay. Let's just say we brought someone from the past. And that someone was Robin's first love...". Emma looked at me with a thankful look.


I don't know what the hell is happening to me. My relationship with Hook is so weird. It's like I can trust him.
I know he's in love with me. It couldn't be more obvious in Neverland and during all this little adventure.
But was I?
What does my heart tell me?

"Well, it's getting late. Let's go home. Tomorrow we talk with Regina." my dad said. He, my mom and Neal went to their car.

"Dad, can you please take Henry with you? I'll be there, I-I just need a moment." I asked.

"Sure... Is everything okay? Should I worry?" he asked. He understood I was strange.

"No... Everything's fine. Thank you." I said with a fake smile.

Henry went with them. I said goodbye.
What am I doing. I'll regret this.
Now, there was only me and Hook. Alone.


She isn't going with her family home. What's going on?

"I wanted to thank you, Killian. For everything. For bringing me home, for what we did in the Enchanted Forest, and now... With Regina." she said. I can't believe it.
"It was the right thing to do." I said. What the hell is happening with her. She's acting strange. It's like... She isn't the Emma I know.


And now I remembered the question I've always wanted to ask him
"How did you do it? How did you get to me?" I asked to him.
"Well, the curse was coming. I ditched my crew and took the Jolly Roger as fast and as far as I possibly could to outrun it. And once I was outside of the curse's purview, I knew that the walls were down. Transport between the worlds was possible again. All I needed was a magic bean." he explained.
But... A magic bean? I thought there was no one anymore.

"Those are not easy to come by." I said.

"They are... if you've got something of value to trade." he answered. Something of value? What?

"And what was that?" I asked.

"Why, the Jolly Roger, of course." he said. WHAT?

"You traded your ship for me?" I thought I didn't understand it right so I asked again.

"Aye." And I saw in his eyes, his brilliant eyes. I saw everything what he was feeling. I was really sure he loved me. I saw it. He traded his home, the last thing he had of Milah, for me. And in his eyes, I saw what my heart was telling me.

I kissed him.
This kiss was so different of the Neverland one. This one, was soft. Slowly. I met his lips. His tongue tastes like rum. I had an amazing feel.


I wish I could keep kissing her forever. I could feel her love. This kiss was so different of the Neverland one. Emma is different.

She pulled away.

"I-I should go home." she said embarassed. I was still too shocked with what did just happen.
I couldn't say anything but look at her walking away.


What the hell am I doing!
Okay this is getting really ankward.

"Emma wait!" he yelled.

"Killian I just wanna go home and forget this happened." I said.

"What are you so afraid of?" he said and I froze.
"Killian everyone I've ever been with died in my front! I lost everyone! I'm tired of suffering!" She almost yelled.

"I won't let you suffer because of me." And he kissed me. I kissed him back.
I could feel his body doing pression on mine with my back against the car.
We stayed minutes there.

"You should go home, love." he said pulling away with a heavy breath. I was in shock with everything that was happening right now. I couldn't even remember Henry was at home. Probably waiting for me.

"Good night" he said. He started walking away.
"Wait! Killian!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Where are you going? Where's your home now?" I asked worried.

"Nowhere." he answered. And he just starting walking again.

I got in the car again and I started driving. I stopped the car next to him.
"What the hell are you doing?" he said.
"I'm bringing you home just like you did to me."


"I don't think it's a good idea." I said. She ignored me and just drove.

She stopped the bloody yellow machine called car and we entered.
Snow was awake because of baby Neal.

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