My Walls were Up but You brought Them Down

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*** NOW EVERYTHING GOES LIKE 4x02 and then it's all like the season 4A episodes. This part takes place in 4x11 (season 4a finale)***


And that's it. Again. Just like all the others.
Neal, Graham, Walsh and now I was watching him dying just in my front. And I couldn't do anything. Rumple was crushing his heart in the tower clock.
I saw his face saying "I'm sorry" with his eyes. Tears appeared on my face and on his.

For one moment, I just thought Hook was different. That he wouldn't die like every guy I have ever been with.

But wait... What? Gold couldn't crush the heart.


I just wanted to be alone now. Emma couldn't see this. Watching her love dying just in front of her. Just crush it damn it!
But he couldn't.
Belle appeared behind him with the dagger. Yes! We won! I'm not gonna die.
They disappeared with magic.

Emma ran to me and grabbed me.
"You okay? Does it still hurt?" I could see her tears. Scared tears. Worried tears. Lovely tears.
"I'm okay love" I said out of breath and she wiped my tears.

She couldn't stop looking at me. Checking if I was all okay.
"Hey I'm okay" and I grabbed her hand "We won this. Together"
She started crying even more and she hugged me.
I started crying. I couldn't even imagine that I almost lost her, or she lost me. She grabbed my heart. And she helped me getting up.
She wiped my tears and we went to Granny's to celebrate. Rumple was out of the town.

*at granny's*


My mom was telling my dad everything what happened.
Henry was with Neal talking with a girl from school. And I?
I was sitting just right next to Killian, with my head on his shoulder.

I had his heart on my hands. Under the table.
He looked at it.
"I think it's time to put it back where it belongs" he whispered.
"Yes.. Let me call Regi-" and he interrupted me:
"I think I would prefer you doing this."
"Me? B-But I never did this before. I don't want to hurt you." I was shaking.

"I'll take that risk" he said.
We got up and he looked at me.
"Do it" he said.
My hands were shaking like hell.


She was scared. I smiled to her to calm her down. "Just be gentle-" and she just put it.
It hurt so much but I just felt all my love for her back.
I smiled and I just wanted to kiss her. But her parents were right there.
I didn't know what to do.


"Sorry... I just thought if I did it-"
I saw my parents just looking at us.
I kissed him.
I couldn't resist. I just... Ahh.. Shut up Emma, just enjoy the kiss.


"But then Belle appeared with the dagger and she..." Snow stopped talking.
Looks like Emma is putting his heart back. She did it and then they kissed. I'm really happy for her. She doesn't deserve all that suffering. I'm glad she found someone.
I and Snow were looking at them.
My daughter is happy. I'm happy.


When I stopped kissing, I looked to my parents. They were smiling. I smiled back.
"Can we just go home, love? I'm not really in the mood for parties..." he said with his dashing smile.
"Yeah we should go." I said and Hook went outside waiting for me.

"Mom... Dad... I'm sor-" I started.
"We know. Emma... We just want your happiness. Even if it is with a pirate. A pirate who changed for you." my dad said. I started crying.
"I just want to say I love you two" and I hugged them.
I wiped my tears and I said "We are going home now... We are tired. Do you want me to take Neal too?" I asked.
"No... Go with Killian. And Henry can stay. We take care of him. He's having fun with that girl." my mom said.
"Thank you." and I smiled.


"Where's Henry?" I asked.
"Oh.. Ah.. He's not coming with us... He is with a school friend. My parents will take him."
We went home.

And then we just stopped and we looked at each other.
Just me, her and the silence.
She kissed me and we couldn't stop kissing. I grabbed her back pulling her body next to mine. I touched her hair, and her face and then we went to my room.

We couldn't stop kissing. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked and she kissed me again.

She started taking off her jacket and then I helped her undressing her shirt. I could see her. Her perfection. She looked at me. Scared.
I started kissing her neck. She took off my shirt. We kissed and kissed.
"Killian..." she said trying to breathe. "I-I'm too tired... I-I can't do this... I'm sorry. I just... I need some time." and she went to her room.
What have I done? I don't know if I should let her alone or go to her and apologize.
I went to her room.

"Emma. I-I'm sorry... I didn't want to go fast." I said to her. She was sitting on the bed.


I'm so scared.... I want this. But... What if I just get pregnant... And he abandons me like Neal?
"Don't be. It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm sorry."
"Hey? What's up? Did I do something wrong? Am I going too fast? You don't want this? Why are you so afraid?" he asked.
Tears appeared on my face.

"Emma?" he said. He grabbed my hand.
Emma, he loves you. You love him.

I started kissing him. Slowly and then fast. I met all his mouth with my tongue.
I only could hear our breaths.
I started taking off my jeans. He slid his hands from my neck to my hip and kissing my skin. I felt his abdonimal and I kissed his neck.
"Just tell me... if you want me to stop." he whispered.

"I love you." I said. I don't know why I said that. I just said it. I didn't control it.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever imagine. You're my life Emma. I love you with all my heart."
Happy tears came on my face. He wiped them and kissed me.


I made love with her. No pain. It was soft. And slowly. Passionate.
I went to bed with many women, unfortunately. The only thing I wanted, was my pleasure. I didn't care about their pain.
But this time was special. She was different.
I don't want to hurt her. We don't even have to do this. I just want to be with her.
I didn't love any woman I went to bed with.
Emma is my only reason to live.


It was a dream. I could feel his touch, his body. No words can describe what we both felt. It was just perfect.
"This isn't a one time thing, for sure." I said and we both giggled.

I fell asleep with my head on his chest. Feeling his heart. His heartbeat. He's safe now. We are together.

"Hey love..." I opened my eyes slowly. "We need to get up... Your family should be here in minutes for dinner." he continued.
"Right... Almost forgot that. We really need to get our own place" I said.
"Our?" he asked.
"Our." and I kissed him.

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