Where's Hope?

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I blow into it. I heard nothing.

"Did it work?" she said.

She looks away. No signal of the king of sea.

"I'm afraid not, love..."

Suddenly the ship shakes. I grab a net hanging on the mast.

When the boat stops shaking, I try to find Emma and she's laid on the floor.

"Swan!" I hear Killian screaming and running toward me.

"I'm okay... I just fell on the floor, Killian." I giggle.

He takes a deep breath of relief.


"Killian!" she yells when I try to help her getting up. I noticed she was looking at something behind me.

"Long time, Captain." I hear a voice. Poseidon.

I grab Emma's hand and I help her getting up and then I turn around.

"Why did you summon me?" he asks threatening me with his trident already.

"I think we don't need... any kind of weapons. I just want to talk with you, mate." I say and so he lowers his bloody trident.

"I'm listening." he says.

"I... I'm sorry for what happened. And I'm here to apologize... for the mistake... the big mistake I made, long time ago." I say.

I look at Emma, behind me. She's looking down at the floor with a sorry and worried face. She noticed I was staring her and so she smiled to me.

"I'll never forgive you for what you did to my daughter!"

"What I did?! You were the one who wanted her to lose her bloody voice just to stay with you!-"

"Killian..." Emma called me to calm down and she grabbed my arm.

I yook a deep breath.
"I did wrong things. I shouldn't have taken her voice. I know it. And that's why I'm here. I need your help to give her voice back." I take the shell from my pocket. "Here... only you can do it."

"T-Thank you" he said full of admiration and happiness.

He turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I called him. This can't end like this. "Please tell her... once she gets her voice back... to talk with me."

"I will." he said smiling and he left.

Suddenly I felt Emma's body hugging me pulling my head to her with her hand.

"You did it!" she whispered.

I squeezed her and whispered "let's go home"


"Henry?!" I yelled... No answer.

"Miss Emma, Henry left with Regina an hour ago." a servant says.

Good. Everything went like what we planned.

"Wait... where's Hope?" Killian says and suddenly a really bad feeling comes.

"Miss Emma's parents took her... like your majesty told me it was planned." he said pointing at me.

Now I really want to explode someone.

"What? Emma? Why did you tell your parents to take Hope with them?"

I took a deep breath.

"They must be kidding with my face. I'm seriously so done with them. Seriously-"

"Hey! Swan...." he grabbed my arm preventing me to go take Hope now "Emma!" he yelled. Tears and tears across my face of anger. "Tell me what the hell is going on today with you and your parents."

"I called my mom to take care of Hope tonight... I was planning something between us... Something to plan our wedding I don't know! Just some time together!" I yelled. I'm angry like hell.

He was staring all my anger. I walked in circles.

"And then when I knew all about Maleficent's baby, I told her she didn't need to take Hope with her because I was sooo angry that I couldn't even look at her face and she even after this she just took Hope with her and I'm so done with her I just want to kill someone right now!" I yelled.

And then I realized what I just said.

Killian looked at me wondering what the hell walked into my head right now.

"I... I didn't mean it... I'm just angry!"

"Swan, you're tired and angry... you'll regret all this tomorrow so let's just go to bed and sleep. I'll call them and tomorrow we get Hope." he said with his hands on my arms.

"No. No! She's my daughter and I won't her spend a night with them!"

"Swan, they are your parents! They wouldn't hurt our daughter! Damn it! What's wrong with you?!"


No... I didn't mean this...

She stopped walking in circles and she looked at me trying not to cry.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!"

She looked at me and a tear fell on her soft cheek.


"You know what's sad?" she said and another tear fell. "I love you."

I felt my heart broken in pieces.

She turns around and runs upstairs.

I take a deep breath as I place my hands upon my face.

What have I done?

I ran to the stables and I got a horse.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now