Dark in One Second

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*srry for long chapter*


He's standing right in front of me trying to say something but he just can't.
Why in the hell would he release the author?!

"Killian you did what?!" I say again.
"Emma... I... I was an asshole. I thought you were different." what does he mean with different?

He takes a deep breath "I thought you were going dark." His voice breaks.
I close my eyes trying to take away of my mind what he just said.
"But you're not. Emma." He takes my hands. I look down to not face him.

Maybe I am going dark.
"I... I didn't understand what you were going throught. And then you killed Cruella... I-I don't know what walked into me, love."
My eyes are still closed and tears are falling under my eyelashes.
"Swan say something please."

I feel his hand on my cheek. Then I feel his thumb on my lips.
"I-I realeased the author from the book... Because... Because I thought he could write you to be good." He almost whispers.
I open my eyes and finally face him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just scared."

He touches my hand but I move it so he couldn't touch it.
"Let's find Lily." I say ignoring him.
I see pain on his face. His eyes are watered. He turns around and drives the horse. And I never place my hands around his waist again.
The silence is our leader now.


One hour passed and we finally arrived. There is a small wooden cabin. It has lots of tall trees and a lake next to it.

Emma gets out of the horse and starts walking toward the cabin.
"Emma wait!" I call but she ignores me.
She has been ignoring me for hours.
I run to the door. And Emma knocks at it.
No answers.

She knocks again and this time I hear steps.
Emma looks at me quickly and our eyes lock in each other for a second but she turns again to the door.
"Can I help you?!" A young and angry woman says once she opens the door.
Emma's jaw drops.
"Sorry do I know you?"
"Yes. You do... I-I'm Emma. We used to be friends."
"Emma?" she says still not believing how this is even possible.

"I thought you were dead. What the hell happened to you?" Emma says.
"I... got into trouble, uh... with some bad people a couple years ago, and I needed a fresh start. But I've been careful. How did you find me?"
"I know this is gonna sound crazy, but remember when we were kids, you used to say you and I were connected? Like something was drawing us together?"
" Yeah, that's something teenage girls say, and then you braid each other's hair and become BFFs."
"What if you were right? What if... there's a reason your life has been on a downswing ever since we met? That all your problems are not your fault, they're... mine?"
"You're right... that sounds crazy."

"It's complicated, but I can explain it if you come with me. I just need you to trust me."
"Look, I don't know what kind of 12-step program you're in, but I've moved on. I'm fine."
"You're living in the middle of nowhere. I can help you." Emma grabs her arm.

"I don't need your help. And my life is great, thank you very much. The last thing I need is for you to come into my life and just blow it apart again, so... If you'll excuse me, I need to get some firewood. I-I'm sorry... for... everything." She says and starts walking away.

"To be honest, I haven't even thought about you in years."
"Yeah?" This makes Emma upset.
"Yeah." And she disappears.

"She's lying." Emma says once she's gone.
"She's lying. I know it." She says and she punches the door with her feet.
"Swan what are you doing?! This is her house!"
"We have to find out what is she really doing."

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