The Pink Door

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^You can listen to this soundtrack while you're reading :) but I'll tell you exactly the moment you should play the soundtrack.
Hope you like it!


I couldn't even breathe. The last time I was here everything was destroyed. But this time it's like the curse never happened. I felt lost there. I didn't know anything of there. We made our way to the castle. My old home.

Killian grabbed my hand and we went. On the way, many people saw their houses and they abandoned our group.

My mom was walking next to me. "You look amazing with that costume." I whispered.

"Don't be jealous. You'll have many ones." and we laughed. But no thanks. I'm not going to use those things. I can't even breathe.

We went to my father's old farm that was on the way to the castle. There was 10 horses in the stable.

When I finally understood what they were doing in the stable "no... No no no no. I don't know how to ride this thing." I said.

"It's called horse, love. Don't worry I'll go with you." Killian had to tease me, of course.

I looked at him and I rolled my eyes. He laughed.

"Come on, Regina go with Henry. I'll go with Charming and Neal, Robin take Roland and Killian take Emma. And we can use another horse to bring our things." my mom yelled.

She gave us a white horse.

"Great! Now how do I go up to this thing?" I said laughing.

"First, love, you put the saddle on the horse." he said putting it.

"Right." I said.

He looked at me. "Ready?"

"No." I said and he laughed.

He pick me in his arms and he helped me going up the horse. He went up the horse too much easier than I did.

"I thought your skills were sailing not riding a horse." I teased him.

He laughed. I saw my mom and my dad's horse starting walking.

I put my arms around his waist. And I grabbed him really hard. "Let's go!" he yelled and it started walking. I almost fell when it moved but I grabbed Killian.

We followed them to the castle. It was night now.

When we arrived I froze. The last time I've been here it was all destroyed. Wow. It was so beautiful.

He left the horse and he helped me to.

"You okay?" he asked me with a serious face.

I wasn't actually 100% okay. Knowing that this was supposed to be my home, that I was supposed to grow up here happy with a family but no. I grew up alone, as an orphan.

"I think yes." I tried to not cry. He gave me a quick kiss.

We walked to the big door. I took a deep breath and I entered it.

Nothing was like the last time I've been here. There was a big hall. My mom -trying to not cry- showed me and Killian all the castle while my dad brought our things into the castle.

I saw a pink door saying Emma with white letters.

I couldn't talk or I would cry. This was my home. And then the hardest part. My bedroom.

"I don't want to enter there. At least, not now." my mom and Killian looked to me.

I was trying so hard to breathe and not cry.

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