Operation Mongoose

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I hear footsteps again. It's probably time to Lily give me food. Again.

"Hi... My name is-"
I hear and I lean my head up.

I get up as quickly as I can.
"Y-You remember?"
"I knew you'd find me."
He hugs me. I try to hug back but my hands are stuck.
"I don't understand. How do you remember when no one else does?"

"Must have been part of Gold's plan. My punishment in this world is that I know the truth but I'm powerless to do anything about it. In this world, I'm no longer the savior. I've got no magic."
"That's all right. I think I know what to do. Now, come on."
We run downstairs. I find Lily's body unconscious on the floor and that's when I suddenly crush against him. Killian.
"Uh Killian this is my mom... Mom, Killian."
I get lost in his eyes. I missed him so much. I just wanna hug him and kiss him and say everything will be okay but what do I see in his eyes? Nothing.
He doesn't know me.
I feel tears coming so I look down and that's when I notice he's holding Hope in his arms.
"Oh my god! Hope! Come here princess!" He gives me to my arms.

"She's beautiful." Killian says.
He doesn't even know she's his daughter.
"That she is..." I say.
"I'm sorry mom... I had to bring her... I couldn't let her alone in Storybrooke."
"You did great kid. Now we need to get going. We've got a wedding to stop."

We reach the Jolly Roger.
I sit on the floor with Hope in my arms.
Suddenly Killian sits next to me.
This is painful.
"Thank you for your help, Killian."
"Yeah of course... I'm pleased you regained your... your freedom. And well reunited with your child."
It's your child too.
"Yeah me too."
"I'd give everything to have a child. You're lucky you know?"
My heart broke in milion pieces.

"Do you wanna hold her again?" I say trying to change the subject to avoid the tears.
"I-I don't think she likes the hook-"
"Don't worry. I know she does."
I smile. He carefully takes her into is arms.
She slowly opens her eyes.
Oh my god.
"She's probably confused."
I give a fake laugh.

Suddenly the tower breaks showing Lily in dragon form.
"I need you to load the cannon with a chain shot! Come on!" I turn to Killian and he prepares everything. "Hold your fire until I tell you!!"
He's shaking.
I am shaking.
I hope this goes right.
She doesn't hear me.
She turns around and gets closer and closer of us.
"NOWW!" I fall on my knees and the last thing I hear is the cannon.
I pray it worked.
I get up and the dragon fall on the water.
"That was close..." I hear his Irish accent. "Cheers. You did it."

"We did it." I turn around facing him. I can't contain but smile.
He gives me his flask as I take a sip of my missed rum- what the hell!?
"What's that?!"
"Goat's milk."
"Where's your rum!?"
"I'm allergic. Never touched that stuff."
"Of course you are..."

I sit again on the floor.
"Can I ask you something?"
I nod.
"You trusted me with your life just now. Why?"
"It's complicated... You wouldn't understand." I look at the floor.
"Please make me understand... I feel like I know you so well. I feel like something isn't right here."

"Nothing of this is real... We are from another realm... You just don't remember." I say and take a deep breath. No tears.
"Another realm?"
"It's hard to believe I know..."
"And what am I in this realm you're talking about?
I feel something on my hand. His hand. Oh no.
"You..." I try to say something but no words come.
I get up leaving his hand and I go downstairs looking for Henry.


I probably shouldn't have placed my hand on hers.
It's just... She seemed insecure... Lost.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now