A Hand by A Hook

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"I want my hand back."

"But I don't have your hand. I'm sorry but I can't help you." Regina said.

"Regina... I have a newborn at home. I can't hurt her with this bloody metal!"

She looked at me and she took a deep breath.

"Any idea of where Rumple could keep your hand?" she asked.

"The last time I saw it... It was at crocodile's shop."

"Have you been under a rock? We are in the Enchanted Forest."

I looked at her.

"But everything from Storybrooke was brought to here." I said. "Maybe Belle knows about it."

"So you're talking with the wrong person." Regina said and I left her castle.

I rode the horse to the old Rumple's palace, where Belle is living now.

Well, it used to be her palace too.

"Killian... I didn't expect to see you here."

She said and then Will just appeared after her.

"Aye... I just came here because I might need your help."

"Sure... Come in."

"I hope I'm not interrupting." I said.

"Ah... No not at all." Will answered with a big sarcasm.

"So what's up?"

"I... I want my hand back."

"One isn't enough?" Will whispered.

"Careful with your words, mate."

Belle looked at him to make him shut up.

"I... I don't know where's your hand, sorry Killian."

"It only can be here. Somewhere in this dirty palace." I said.

"Well I'll try to find it. But I can't promise you anything."


"Hey mom... I just wanted to know if you guys could stay with Hope tonight? Henry will be with Regina so you don't have to worry with him."

"Sure... But- is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course... I was just planning something tonight... With Killian... You know... To talk about the wedding and everything..."

"Sure I understand. I'll be right there in an hour to take Hope. Is it okay for you?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"No problem, Emma..."

After a big silence, I knew my mom was going to talk about this.

"How are you? About the secret thing?..."

"I-I'm fine..."

"I'm sorry Emma. We didn't give you the best example. I really regret it."

"Yeah, I know it... It's okay... But... Do you know if there's really a big possibility of turning to the darkness right now?"

"All this time, you've always decided the good things. It's hard to believe you have the great potential for darkness."

It sounds weird hearing it.

"You're a wonderful woman, Emma. Never forget that." she continued.

I smiled.

"But if Maleficent said I had it... Why would she lie?" I asked.

"We... We might have done something worse..."

"Another secret?! Are you kiding with my face?!" I realized I was already yelling.

"Emma... I'm sorry I- Can we meet before you and Killian go? Or when I come to get Hope? Please."

"See you."

And I hung up the call.

I went to our bedroom and I took the best dress I could get. I don't want to think about my parents stuff right now. No darkness, no secrets. Only the date.


"I found it!!!!!" Belle yelled and I ran to her.

"Bloody hell thank you so much Belle!"

"It's my pleasure."

I went back to Regina.


Henry ran to me. "Hey mom, I was wondering if I could meet Paige tonight?"

"Sure kid. But you have to talk to Regina. You're sleeping there tonight."

"Okay I'll call her. (...) Are you okay mom?"


"Mom... You're almost crying." He said.

Where the hell is Killian.


"You don't have to worry about turning evil because of your hand. What Gold told you, were just mentally games to tease you." she said after give me my hand.

"Thank you so much, Regina. It's good to feel this back again."

I left the palace and I finally went home.

It was getting late and dark.

But suddenly something was on my way. A shadow.

I stopped the horse.

"Afraid of showing yourself to me?" I said.

Suddenly I felt tentacles squeezing me.

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