Never Leaving Again

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Henry wrote something with the pen and Regina's blood and I find myself in the Enchanted Forest again laid on the dusty floor.
I get up and I see Henry and Regina right next to me as I hear footsteps. It's Robin who is running toward Regina and embraces her.

I hug Henry. "You did it!" I say to his ear.
"We did it."

Suddenly I remember.
I need to find him.
I get a horse and I go to where we were before the book thing.

"Where's him? Where's Killian?!" I ask my parents.
"I-I don't know... He was right here."
I search for him.

I'm a survivor.

Go! Save your boy!

I lost everyone.

Killian you can't beat them.

My knees fall on the floor.
The memories are filling my mind.

Suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders.
I turn around.
"Killian!" I get up to hug him.
He laughes and pulls me against him with his hand on the back of my head.

"Sorry, love... I arrived in the other part of the Enchanted Forest. It took a time to get here."

I squeezed him even more.

"Don't ever do that again to me. I thought I'd never see you again!" I sob with cries as I hide my face on his warm neck.
"How many times do I have to tell you this, love? I'm a survivor."

He pulled away and kissed my wet cheeks with tears.

"We won this." He whispered between kisses.

••Guys this is the end of this book ❤️••
I'm writing a new one with what I expect or want of season 5 💕
Thank you so much for this book! I've never thought I would get so many likes and especially so many comments!

I'll probably write an epilogue with their wedding and some cute scenes 😊
I'll make you guys know when I write the second book.

I'm crying 😂❤️ this is so important to me 💕🍎

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