The Shell

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"My my... Captain Hook with 2 hands now." she said teasing me.

"Ursula..." I said trying to breathe "what do you want?"


"Look, Ursula, I regret what I did to you. I'm not that person anymore! And belive me, revenge won't make you feel better. I spent all my life wanting revenge and it didn't make me feel better." she squeezed me even more "I found another reason to live. And you can do that too! You don't need the author to write a happy ending. You're your own author."

"You're right about something: I don't need the author-" she said but I interrupted.

"Look how happy Regina is now! She lives with who she loves most. And she was a villain too. She didn't need any author-"

"Enough of speeches!" She squeezed all my bones and it made me quiet. "I came here for a reason. You know that beautiful girl... Emma? You know right... The drunk girl I spent the night with at Cannery... She was an amazing friend... Anyway, tell her... To be prepared." she said and suddenly a bad feeling came inside me.

"What do you want with her?! TELL ME!"

She started laughing.

"Ursula, I can give your singing voice back. I still have it. You don't need any author, or Emma for anything. Do you really believe the crocodile is helping you? You are helping him. He doesn't care about no one but himself."

"You.... You still have my voice?" she said with a surprised and full of pain voice.

"Aye... I can help you, if you help me."

She took away her dirty tentacles from me.

"Where is it?"

"In the Jolly Roger of course." I said with a devilish and handsome smile.


"Kid... My parents.... They told me a secret. A secret about my birth." I said. I looked at his eyes, and I felt like I could trust him.

"I have the potential for great darkness, kid." I said with all my pain.

"Not anymore." he said really calm. What?! He knew?!

"Wha- You knew? And what do you mean?!"

"You know, I read the book, okay? I read your story. And yes I knew about it. But I thought you already knew..."

I only could show him my surprised face.

"But you don't have to worry anymore. Grandpas transfered all your darkness to another baby. Maleficent's baby."

"What?!" I yelled. I got up and I tried to calm down. I walked in circles in all the room.

"With the Sorcerer's help. He transfered all the darkness to Maleficent's baby, when it was still an egg-"

"Egg?!" I suddenly yelled.

"Yeah... It's Maleficent's child, remember?!"

He seemed so calm and relaxed telling me this. Why didn't my parents tell me?! Even after all this?? They kept the worst part of the story in secret.

"And what happened to the baby?!"

"The baby was sent through a portal to I don't know where because all the darkness inside her or him, would only hurt people in the Enchanted Forest."

So because of my parents, a innocent baby grew up without parents and with my darkness?

"Oh and Ursula and Cruella fell in the portal too. They were trying to protect the child and they just fell too." Henry said interrupting my thoughts.

I tried to breathe.

"Sorry mom... I-I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"It's not your fault, Henry. It's not..."

Someone knocked the door. Killian!

"Miss Emma, your mother is here to talk to you. May I let her come in?" a fancy servant asked.



"What are we waiting for?!" she asked impatiently.

"Do you think it would be that easy? I don't have the Jolly Roger anymore... I traded him for a-"

"That's not a problem for me" she said and she got up from where we were hiding before we attack. I tried to pull her arm and call her but she just kept walking toward the ship.

I went after her and then I saw a stange guy coming to us.

"The famous Captain Hook... And he brought a guest." he looked at Ursula with a sensual look. I see he didn't change one bit.

"Don't even try." Ursula said and in 2 seconds she made him and all his crew fell on the floor with her tentacles.

"Those are really useful." I whisper and she smiles.


"Hey... So I came here to take Hope." she said with that fake smile.

I just wanted to explode someone in that moment.

"You know what? I think it's okay. You don't have to take her. Killian and I can date in another day. I'm just really tired." I said giving her a fake smile too.

I can't look any other second to her fake face.

"But Emma wha-"

"Good Night." I said and I left the room.


"Here" I said and she took it.

Suddenly a wave of light got out of the shell. I couldn't do anything but watch.

A beautiful and perfect melody came with the light but it suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked her.

Something was wrong in her eyes.

"It wasn't me." she said with watered eyes. "You were wrong, Hook. Villains don't get happy endings. I shouldn't have done this-"

"So you're gonna forget this happened and just go back to Crocodile?! So you're just gonna make everyone suffer, even yourself, just to get a stupid author?!" I yelled.

I took the nearest weapon I could get, a gun. I pointed it to her head.

"You haven't change one bit, Hook. Still the same selfish pirate. But you know what?" she said really calm.

My hands were shaking like hell. Am I really capable of killing her?

"I'm not that poor and innocent girl anymore. The little girl you met? She's more powerful than you now."

She grabbed me with her tentacles and my gun fell to the wooden floor.

This was my end. I almost killed her. Of course she would kill me.

"Never go up against a woman with eight hands" she said.

She snapped me with another tentacle and everything went black.

*Sorry for long chapter guys. A lot of cs coming next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think ❤*

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