The Second Home

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"Swan. Hey Swan, it's okay." I tried to grab her but every move caused more pain.

David helped me getting her up. We brought her to his truck.

She couldn't resist the pain. We all got in the car and we went to the hospital. Emma was losing too much blood so she got unconscious many times.

I was so nervous all the time.

I was with David and Regina at the waiting room waiting for any news. Henry, Snow and Neal appeared too.

"I'm not understanding. Where's my mom?" Henry was confused. David explained all what happened. I just wanted to cry.

A doctor passed in the hallway.

"Sorry, mate. I need to know what's happening to my wife. How is she?!"

"I'm sorry I have no idea. You have to talk with her doctor." he said. I just want to break everything right now.

"Miss Swan's family?" called a doctor.

"Yes here! Is she okay?!!" Henry asked.

"Yes she is. And so is her baby-" I'm so relieved now. I can breathe again. "- the impact of the baby against the wall caused some contractions, it's normal some bleeding. The baby is okay with just a few shocks." the doctor finished. I smiled so much.

"Can we see her?" I asked.

"Sure. One by one please." the doctor said and he went away.

"Go Killian. You need to see her. We'll go next. Take your time." David said.

"Thank you, mate." and I ran to her room.

I opened the door and I saw her. She was sleeping. She was connected to a machine. Probably because she lost too much blood. I grabbed her hand and she slowly woke up.


I opened my eyes. I saw Killian and many machines.

"Where.... am I?" I asked.

"We're at the hospital, love. We're okay now."

"Wh-What happened? I saw blood and then-"

"A woman sent you against the wall. The impact of the baby against the wall caused some contractions, that's why you were bleeding. The baby is okay you don't have to worry." he explained.

"I knew it... I knew. I knew!!" and I started crying. "This stupid savior's life! It's always the same thing! There's always someone! Alway-" I was crying so much. Hook calmed me down. He grabbed my hand.

"We won this. Nothing happened. We are still here, alive. We'll defeat him and his new friends." and he kissed me slowly.

"But now he has the dagger! We can't do this." I can't even think how are we going to defeat him and those 3 women.

"We'll think about it later, love. (...) Well I gotta go. You're family wants to see you too." he said. "I want to go home." I'm so tired.

"Only tomorrow, love. Don't worry. I'll stay here with you."


"Only tomorrow, love. Don't worry. I'll stay here with you." I told her and she fell asleep in 2 seconds. She is so tired.

I went to her family. "You can go. She fell asleep. She is so weak."

"Okay thanks Killian." Snow said and went to her home.

They all saw her and they went home with Henry. "We're going home. Do you want to go with us?" David asked.

I prefer sleep here. In this little chair. I can't stay home knowing she is here. "I'll stay here the night." "Okay call us if something happen." and they went.

I sat on the little chair next to her bed. I fell asleep looking at her and hearing her heartbeat from the machine.


I woke up slowly. I saw him. Killian was sleeping on that chair. He did this just to stay with me. I just wanted to hug him. To feel him. I fell asleep again.


I woke up with the day light. My back was hurting so much. That bloody chair is really uncomfortable. She was still sleeping. Today we're going home finally.

I went to the coffee machine. I drank my coffee as my breakfast. My phone rang.

"Hey Killian. Is Emma okay?" it was her father.

"Yeah she is."

"Okay. I'm on my way to bring you two home. See you."

"Thanks mate."

I went to Emma's room again. She was awake and the nurse was giving her the breakfast.

"No thanks..." she refused when the nurse gave her an apple to eat.

"Emma..." I said grabbing her hand."You okay love?"

"Yeah... I think I am. It's only sore." she said trying to smile. She almost lost our baby. It's not easy to accept that. She was eating a sandwich with juice. "David is coming to bring us home." I told her. "Hey..." I squeezed her hand "we will be okay." I said.

"It's just... It's like I don't deserve a normal life! Whenever I try to be normal, to get my happy ending, something just happens! I almost lost-" her eyes got watered so I interrupted her "but you didn't. Our son... Or daughter, is alive. He's right here with us and we will take care of him or her" she smiled and I kissed her.


He is so cute. I love him so much. Then the door opened. It was my dad. "Emma! You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine now. It just hurts a bit when I move too fast." I said. "Good. Let's go home." he said smiling. Killian grabbed my hand and helped me getting up slowly. I got dressed slowly and then I went to the waiting room where Killian and my dad were.

David kissed my forehead and I smiled. "Don't worry, we'll defeat Rumple. Heroes always win" he said. I gave him a smile.

We went home. My dad helped me sitting on the couch. I can do it alone but my dad don't want me to do too much force.

"Regina called. She found something. We have to go." Killian said grabbing his phone.

They both looked at me. "Emma... You should stay." my dad started.

"Yeah... I know. I can't put this baby in danger. Again." I said. I don't really want to let them go alone. But it really has to.

Killian kissed my forehead "we will be back, love." and my dad gave me a smile. I smiled back and they went.


We knocked Regina's door. "Come in. I have bad news." she said.

We entered. I looked to David with a scared face.

"We have to get out of this town as soon as possible."

"What?!" we both yelled.

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