What to do now?

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"Hey mom." she said.
"Hey... Go to sleep! It's late!" and then she saw hook just after me "oh! Ah... Hook...."
I didn't know what to say.

"Mom... He doesn't have a place to spend the night. He traded his ship so he could go to New York to bring me back..." I said. Hook was just looking.
"Oh... I-It's okay... Ah... We have an empty room upstairs." she said.

Snow went to bed.
"Thank you, Swan." he said.
"Your welcome... Now, go to sleep." I said and I went to my room.

I tried to sleep. But I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking on everything.
Am I being selfish? Neal just died... And now I'm with Hook. I'm with Hook? Do we have that relationship?

I went to the kitchen for a hot cocoa. Look's like I'm not alone.

"Emma. What are you doing awake?" my dad asked.
"Oh.. I-I can't sleep. I needed some hot cocoa" I explained. He was drinking tea. I made the hot cocoa and I sat at the table with him. He just drank the tea.
"Is everything okay? You're... different." he asked.
"Different? I'm normal." how does he know me so much?
"I still don't believe you. But you're lucky because I'm tired now... We talk tomorrow. Go to bed. You need to rest okay?" he said.
"Okay. Good Night." and he kissed my forehead.

I was alone in the kitchen, drinking my hot cocoa. What happened this night? He loves me. But he's a pirate. Did he really change?
Maybe he just wants to sleep with me.
He wouldn't trade his home just to sleep with me, or risk his life in Neverland for me, or enter the time portal too for me.
Okay, maybe he loves me.
So and how is our relationship now? Should I just kiss him tomorrow's morning and say "morning love"? And my parents? My dad, I mean. He won't like it.
I went to my bed and finally fell asleep.


I heard cups and glasses downstairs. Emma and David are there. They're talking.
"Is everything okay? You're... different." David said.
"Different? I'm normal." she said.

I think David is going to his bedroom now. Is Emma still in the kitchen? Alone?
I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking on that damn kiss. I got up. No. I can't. If her parents find me awake I'll be a dead man. But I just needed-
I hear footsteps. Probably Emma going back to her bedroom.

•30 minutes later•

I can't sleep. I went to the bathroom.
On my way I saw Emma's bedroom.
She was already sleeping.
I just wanted to hold her, to be right next to her.
I won't do that.
I know her and she's scared and confused with all this. I will be patient.

She is so perfect.
Her hair... all tangled above the pillows. And her face with her eyes closed.
Her soft skin.
I went to my bedroom the fastest I could.
I tried to sleep again.
I fell asleep, with the image of Emma sleeping in my mind.


I woke up during the night. I was freezing. I couldn't feel my foot. Omg it was so cold.
I went to the window. I saw snow. Holy shit. I'm freezing. I went to the living room and I brought a blanket to my bed. I fell asleep again.



I woke up. I saw Snow right after me holding Neal.
"Morning" she said.
"Morning" and I kissed her.
I just found out Hook slept here this night and he was awake.
Emma was sleeping. I woke up her.

"Hey sweetheart, hey it's time to wake up" she opened her eyes. We both went to the kitchen where Snow, Neal and Hook were.


"Morning everyone" I said sitting at the table.
Hook was there with my mom and my brother.
"It's so cold here." Snow said and she went to the heater.
David went to Henry's bedroom to wake up him.
Oh no... Me and Hook. Alone again in the kitchen. "Morning love" he said. I smiled and prepared my coffee.
"How was your sleep?" I asked.
"Never slept so well... Well it could have been better if you've spent it with me." he smiled. I looked to him and I rolled my eyes.
I'm nervous like hell but he still can make me laugh every time. My mom came. And so did my dad and Henry.

"Morning kid!" I said as I prepared his hot cocoa with cinnamon. Everyone was eating breakfast.
Hook couldn't stop staring me.
I dressed and prepared myself and I took Henry to school. Hook went outside I don't know where. And my parents stayed at home with Neal.

I was on my way home and all the lights went out. What the hell? I called my dad and hook...

*** NOW EVERYTHING GOES LIKE 4x02 and then it's all like the season 4A episodes. This part takes place in 4x11 (season 4a finale)***

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